had Huss before but up here its usually Haddock, although some shops try to bump you with whiting which is crap. Not much beats a nice bit of Haddock cooked right.
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had Huss before but up here its usually Haddock, although some shops try to bump you with whiting which is crap. Not much beats a nice bit of Haddock cooked right.
Nothing wrong with Whiting. It's very tasty and delicate. I agree Haddock is great.
Had some battered, fresh Gurnod with chips from a great fish & chip shop down in Cornwall not that long ago. That was abloutely lovely!
Actually, just remembered, in the fridge, bought yesterday Morrissons chunky haddock in breadcrumbs, meant to have that today - doh! Hope it keeps till tomorrow!
got haddock in fridge too. have it tomorrow
There used to be a fantastic fish market in Brighton, so fresh and just around the corner was fruit and veg. I'll never forget " yellow peril " aka smoked and dyed haddock, bloody amazing.
Just a sandwich for me tonight and Mia had Felix beef with poultry in jelly. I sometimes think she eats better than me although I'm not about to share a pouch with her lol.
Indeed. Haddock is what you generally get in Scotland, as part of a 'fish supper' (or whiting, equally excellent, both of which my dad used to serve in his chippy), not that pish you get down here, called cod...
That's one thing I certainly miss from Glasgow! :exactly:
Yeah prefer haddock myself, but stand in a fish shop down south and all peeps order is cod and chips, cod and chips, get the idea !
but its rather bland, haddock s definitely the sweeter fish.
The frozen North Atlantic Pollock, that is sold as 'cheap' fish by the supermarkets, is actually very nice. It's related to Cod, but with more delicate flesh. The flavour is good.
Having some in a minute actually.