Looks.like Grant had a salad of sorts with his beef. So maybe:D
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Not salad but veg. Carrot peas onion and a bit of sweet pepper. Hot. Like my chilli shoes. Ner
I'm planning roast chicken with sweet potato mash, peas and baked baby carrots. Not forgetting a drop of gravy!
I had roast chicken yesterday and a prawn salad the day before. I'll keep simple today, either sausages or eggs with chips 'n beans I think!
It’s Friday night! [emoji4]
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There was some sauce from stew left so I added some cooked chicken, spiced it up and had it with wholemeal pasta
Picnic fodder:-
Sausage & Branston Pickle rolls
Paella pasties
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The sausage @ pickle rolls look beautiful , i imagine they were tasty.
Happy food
Pork onions potatos beans
Salad Nicoise
[IMG]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1801/...f6317ae6_c.jpgimage by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/162281319@N03/][/IMG]
Last night’s Salmon with salad in a Jalapeño, Honey & Lime dressing. Light and fresh. Toasted sourdough rubbed with garlic to soak up the excess dressing.
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I've just scrolled down this page and my stomach is making some strange 'grumbling' noises. I didn't feel hungry until just now.
Some really nice grub been posted recently, chaps! Mucho respecto:D
We're having a dinner party tonight (for six), so Del's again doing her homemade crespelle, with spinach and ricotta, in a fresh basil and tomato sauce (as shown before), followed by a classic Tournedos Rossini, see here for details:
This will be served with garlic mashed potatoes, fresh peas, purple-sprouting broccoli, broad beans and buttered carrot batons. The accompanying wine will not be the obvious choice of a classic red Bordeaux, but rather something juicy and jammy, from Provence: a beautiful Bandol. See here: https://www.wine-searcher.com/regions-bandol
The Mourvèdre grapes should perfectly compliment the rich taste of the duck liver pâté [for ethical reasons, we don't 'do' foie gras] and Madeira sauce - well that's what I'm hoping! The Bandol in question will be a 2016 vintage, so still young, but should have bags of flavour.
The crespelle will be served with a simple, but delicious, Dolcetto D'Alba. Dessert will be a homemade Tiramisu, served with some Vin Santo.
Pics to follow! :cool:
Yeah mate, it's bollox and simply not necessary.
Yesterday was insufferably hot and humid - I lost all appetite. Added to which, a neighbour was having a barbeque, and the smell of burnt animal flesh was bad enough, but when he (I assume it was a 'he'; as men seem to think it is their right and obligation to 'do' barbeques, when at all other times they are quite content to let their other halves do the cooking), started barbequing fish the smell was absolutely nauseous!
Took a quick snap of the Tournedos Rossini:
Didn't have time to take any more, as I was too busy chatting, eating and drinking!:cool:
Lol, thanks! The fillet steak (Welsh Black beef) and pâté was very rich, so you didn't need much to fill you.
Do bear in mind too, that the beef was preceded by some bruschetta, and other examples of Italian 'tapas'/little bites (served with the aperitifs), including a starter course of spinach and ricotta crespelle, which was quite filling. Plus, I had to make room for the Tiramisu afterwards!
Also, unlike others, I *HATE* having my plate piled full of food, so that it just looks like a mountain of mush/stodge. It really puts me off.
Instead, I like to see what I'm eating (all elements of it), and only put on my plate what I think I'll finish. Therefore, large plates facilitate that, so you can space things out nicely. It also aids nice presentation, which for me is crucial:)
If I want more food, I can have it, *if* I feel like it. The Italian way of doing things, during a meal, is always to put different types of veg into individual serving bowls, so folk can help themselves, rather than being given one big plate of stuff, all plied up like school dinners!:nono:
Supper and breakfast tomorrow. Probably better cold.
Fried in e.v. olive oil baked potato and shallots with taleggio egg thingy.
Quite good.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...cc84a9a679.jpg
The plate itself or the amount of food on it?
5x chicken drumsticks and a four pack of Punk IPA. Can you tell that I’m on a 2hr train out of London?
Put some nice pork belly in the oven for a slow roast, after a while I though " funny, I can't smell anything ", checked the oven, light on, fan going, no heat, spiffing!. Oh well, oven repair man tomorrow then.
My favourite pork & caramelised red onion sausages, sweet potato mash & veg
Roast chicken baby potatos and some rich sauce beans. Quite enjoyed it
Just dry pan-fried on the skin side for a couple of minutes then turned over very briefly. Was just about cooked in the middle, still nice and moist.
Nice looking Tournedos Roccini there Marco, I have made the dish with home made wild mushroom pate for a slightly less 'meaty' alternative, Mit Parmesan polenta.
Nice looking Frittata there Justin, perfect weather for that dish with a few dressed leaves and a crisp Burgundy.
Had a fajita beef sarnie for lunch.
And now this for afters
Bara brith
Just prepared a pork fillet for tonight.
Now looks like this
Yum, yum! Looks great:)
I much prefer that, to that dry (rather sorry looking) bit of roast chicken you had the other day!:eyebrows:;)