Yeah, please do, it'd be good to see them, Ian :)
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Yeah, please do, it'd be good to see them, Ian :)
Chilli going on! Locally sourced Beef Brisket has been dry-rubbed and left overnight. Now in slow cooker with Innis & Gunn, tomato and muscovado sugar for about 6 or 7 hours...then we’ll make the chilli! [emoji13]
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got a pork casserole in mine [emoji4]
just started tho
A couple of chicken legs I added and cooked in the pork casserole then took out and crisped up in oven. Look awesome
The casserole is magic too. Just had a wee taste
Casserole finished
No tea for me tonight, as I've had a big lunch! :)
Scran looks good though, guys...
We’ll be having this again! [emoji4]
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Winner winner, chicken dinner
You'll be stuffed after all that
Toad in the hole yesterday with homemade onion gravy. A nice simpler alternative to a Sunday roast.
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Something like this Grant.
It tastes better if the sausages are at least part cooked and slightly browned before the batter is added to them.
ah ok.. so a yorkshire mix poured onto hot sausages.. might try that:eyebrows:
Yup. Rather tasty!
Serve it with some of these, yummy!
oooOa, gassy:ner:
Teatime treat for kids here.
They're actually rather nice Marco.
An expedition into the dark and mysterious depths of the freezer produced a vintage chicken & mushroom pie. Having chopped greens and new spuds with it!
That pie looks like it was made long before Christ existed :D
shredded pork in rhubarb and ginger sauce with Kale and Creamed mashed potato.
Oh and a couple of chips lol
Pork Belly doped in rich Chinese style sauce. With macaroni pie. All home made!
Not tea, but this is what I had today for lunch...
Oven baked peppers, stuffed with black olives, pancetta, olive oil, fresh chilli and garlic, and balsamic vinegar. Juices drizzled over the top, and mopped up with a mini-French stick:
Was awesome... Had a cheeky wee Belgian beer, too! ;)
Beer details here:
Traditional chicken tacos. The bag is the chicken thigh marinating in orange juice, squeeze of lime, cumin and minced garlic. :)
Not having anything tonight... i do like chicken tacos tho [emoji3]
...but obviously not peppers, as you didn't comment on the lunch I had yesterday:ner: ;)
Tacos look good, Neil. Also, is that your kitchen? Looks quite 'rusitc', which I like :)
No don't fancy them. Not keen on olives
Lol... It was a typically Italian/Mediterranean dish, with lots of strong flavours. I often put anchovies in there, too! ;)
Tuna and sweetcorn wrap (with some on the side), accompanied by eggs with a lightly-curried mayonnaise and fresh corriander (all home-made):
...and a nice glass of beer! :cool:
Looks nice Marco :)
Tonight we will mainly be having baked potatoes (done in a Rayburn) with Cumberland sausage drizzled with honey , coleslaw and green bean chutney and Beltons Red Fox on the tator
What - you don't like tuna, sweetcorn or eggs? :D
Fussy bastid! ;)
Lol... You are a fussy puss, or perhaps you just stick to the same things you know you'll like, and rarely expand your horizons...? :eyebrows:
Cheers for the presentation comment. That matters a lot for me, because your eyes see the food before your tongue tastes it. So it's GOT to LOOK good, as well as taste good! :exactly:
Can't stand it when food looks like bad 'school dinners', all heaped up with no finesse, plonked on a plate like mush..... That's for folk who simply see food as 'sustenance', rather than something to be enjoyed and savoured!
Guess Im still a little fussier than some and better than some. some things I just dont like so dont eat. somethings dont like me so I try not to eat. not a big deal to me..
We are lucky to have the Rayburn for heating the water and house (50 yrs old lol) and it has a cooker + hotplate ,so no brainer that we live on baked potatoes !! I service her every yr:eyebrows:
I like waxy sweet potatoes (detest mealy ones ) and an Arga or Rayburn are particularly good for Bakers
Sure mate, whatever works, works. I was just brought up to eat almost everything I was given (mum was a great cook, so it was a pleasure), and introduced to a lot of different foods 40 years ago that some folks now consider as 'exotic'. Consequently, I have a rather 'educated' palate.
The only things I don't like or eat are:
1) Most forms of offal (brains, tripe, tongue, that type of thing).
2) Some types of seafood (whelks, cockles, jellied eels, etc).
3) Rhubarb.
4) Not overly keen on aubergine.
5) Don't do any form of cereals (see below for why), especially porridge. Yuk!
And I don't take 'raw milk'. That's about it!
i like cereals and rhubarb. also black pudding if its well made and not cheap stuff. will take milk in corn flakes etc as long as its fresh and cold. but not too much. quite like milk puddings
You see, for me all that stuff's boggin... I can just about handle a little black pudding (of good quality, cooked nicely) with some seared scallops [a classic combo], but the thought of some lump of fried muck, sat next to my bacon and sausage (as part of a cooked breakfast), gies me the boak!! :spew::spew:
Although I can take them if I have to, I'm also not a big fan of traditional 'stodgy' British puddings, such as summer pudding, bread and butter pudding, tapioca or semolina, spotted dick, rice pudding, jelly - that kind of cack.
I'm not really a pudding or dessert person, but if I'm to have one, I prefer something lighter and usually fruit-based, or perhaps a crème brûlée. However, I also love a good home-made apple crumble, apple strudel or tarte tatin (pear or apricot versions, too)! Or a small portion of *really* good, rich chocolate mouse.
Yes your Poirot to my Inspector Japp. Different food upbringing. Anyone for spotted dick