Tonight it's Del's legendary Thai green curry:
...washed down with some Tsingtao:
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Tonight it's Del's legendary Thai green curry:
...washed down with some Tsingtao:
Tonight im going to try Tuscan sausage tortiglioni bake.... pork and fennel sausages and tortiglioni in tomato sauce with spinach, cheese sauce and a cheese crunch on top.
Not entirely sure what to have, but bangers 'n mash keeps crossing my mind. :)
I have no idea tonight, just done a shop so lots to choose from :)
well mine was beautiful, and there is the same again for tomorrow unless someone appears in a hunger.:eek:
quite right Bev, watch the figure lass:)
I ended up with three fish fingers, three fish cakes, half a bag of thin oven chips and a can of baked beans. Quite enjoyed that. Trying to use up the frozen food the grand kids won't be eating since they moved out!
Ive been all alone for nearly 3 years now. Im used to it now
Dunno about that. Mind you, I've heard stories about women who keep large dogs! :eek:
Do you like being alone Geoff ?
It has its charms Bev as you know;) Can be a bit lonesome at times as I dont get about much but as you say, you can please yourself.
I see Colin on a daily basis which is nice
We used to live together which was also nice but I am quite happy living alone these days, I have so much freedom and that's important to me :)
I'll probably have a touch of the winter blues again and not bother to get involved in much until about April, so being alone makes no odds really.
What I am looking forward to, is not having to have anything to do with Christmas this year! Whoopee!!
Hark the Bah humbugs! :D
Well, Del and I both ABSOLUTELY ADORE Christmas, and also have no problem with the dark winter months. You just get your house nice and warm and cosy, and hibernate.
For us, one of life's pleasures is chilling out at night in the lounge of our lovely quaint little lodge house, candles lit and house decorated all Chrismassy, wood burner roaring away, a glass of something nice to drink in our hands, and some quality choons playing!
Christmas aside, doing that in the spring isn't the same, as the vibe isn't right. You need the weather outside to be cold and horrible, so that you feel nice and cosy and wrapped up indoors :)
Well I might see if I can pull a cracker over Christmas! ;)
Maybe Bev will pull your cracker for you? :lol::D
That's cool, but I'm the complete opposite... When it's really hot and sunny, you'll find me sitting in the shade sipping a cool beer, or indoors with the curtains drawn and an electric fan on, keeping the sun out and room cool, doing the same! ;)
Besides, extended sun bathing isn't good for you, especially given what we know now about skin cancer...
Like Geoff I'm running down the freezer as I've got a new one coming Monday and as it's an integrated unit it takes a while to fit. I found some cod in parsley sauce buried in the ice berg so had that tonight with lovely buttery mashed potato. Mia the cat had Felix salmon with green beans in jelly and as a treat she also had a small tin of tuna. Not too sure whether she's a cat or a furry piglet.
I've lived on my own pretty much since I left home back in 1982, suits me most of the time, I was even a bit of a loner as a kid. Given all that it's funny how I had no problem standing up in front of a couple of thousand people playing the bass and singing in a rock band....thems were the days
We do have a naturist part of the beach in Southsea, non official, so can go on that to get an overall tan in the summer... nice :D
Spring and autumn for me . if weather is ok the summer is nice up here as it's usually not too hot. Don't mind winter in the get black moods way but I can't get out as much so that is a factor to the minus.
Ive got my films and tv series etc plus music so get by. Plus I make more food dishes in winter
Yeah I get that. Being Italian (and olive-skinned) I have a bit of a natural tan all year round. Otherwise I'm not big on tans. No offence, but I find the whole obsession with it these days, especially with women, rather vulgar.
Did you know at one time it was frowned upon by ladies to have a tan, as it was considered as common, and so the female gentry prided themselves on being as pasty-faced as possible! ;)
Lol... Sorry to hear that, Ian. No medical issues here, but I just don't cope well in severe heat, and besides, that sort of weather isn't healthy or really good for you.
No, I'd far rather be up in the Austrian Tyrol, during December, like Del and I were last year, celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary, on a bright, fresh sunny day, getting a 'suntan' at 3000m and -15°C! ;)
Now *that* is healthy weather!! :exactly:
You're right, Ian. It's an absolutely beautiful country. Check out the pics in the Abstract Gallery section we took while we were there last year: