Very nice, always good to spend time with family, lovely day here around 24c at the moment
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Wow, your dad’s doing brilliantly to put on that spread, never mind still maintaining his own independence. :)
Cheers, Guys.
Alex indeed, and don't forget he does that garden all by himself... Plus, he hosts dinner parties for his friends!:)
Breakfast Muffins - Fig, Banana & Walnut
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I'm not a big cake guy, Tony, but those look great!:)
Cheers Marco,
I’m not really big on cakes myself to be honest.
These haven’t got that much sugar in them really, the banana and fresh figs give the sweetness.
Made them as a handy breakfast on the move with a coffee and to be fair, they weren’t too bad (not as scrummy as booze-soaked banana loaf though [emoji4])
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Bar lunch again
That looks great!
Looks good, although baked beans isn't something I'd have with fish and chips... Sausage and chips, yes! Anyway, nice to see you out enjoying yourself.
Which pub was it and who did you go with?:)
What Grant had defo looked nice, but it's not somewhere I'd tend to go. There are too many superb, privately owned, country pubs round here to chose from:cool:
Garlic chips and panko fried Piri Piri chicken.
Actually it's chicken thigh not breast. This is best with breast, though. Big breasts:D Just using up leftover thigh used for katsu earlier in the week.
Garlic chips was something I got into due the curvaceous curves of Nigella L. Well, why else would you watch her?;)
That looks utterly TREMENDOUS, Justers!! Top notch:)
Some more 'zhuzhed up' Tom Yum soup [with chicken, extra fresh chilli, spring onion, beansprouts and shit]:
Hit the spot. Was lovely and tasty, and spicy!
Steak night again - despite a lovely fillet my favourite part of this meal is actually the creamed spinach!
Very nice, Alex! You trying to rival Roy-boy on the big dinner plate stakes?:D
Don't lose it dude, as I like it:)
Cajun Chicken Fettuccine
Barbie. Pimm's.
Most excellent.
Weather went naff so ate inside.
having Beef Teriyaki with Fried rice. Slightly odd but its what ive got to hand and needs using.
Now my phone crashed. Just got it working.
Anyway the Teriyaki
Lost the finished pic. Damn.
Basically Madagascan King Prawns fried in e.v. oil and butter. Drizzle ciabatta with the pan juices. Mix Nandos Piri Piri into some Hellman's mayo and spread over ciabatta.
Mixed salad leaves from yesterday's barbie with leftover homemade French dressing dropped into ciabatta with the prawns on top to make a sarnie.
Invented in my mind watching Glastonbury on the sofa.
Friggin' awesome. Better than yesterday's barbie by a smidge. A damn site less effort.
Well at least I got the prawns, bread and carnage shots to prove it might have been real.
sounds good to me...typical japanese meal....
Some nice scran shown here recently, muchachos... Granty, that Teriyaki chicken looked pretty decent. Sainsbury's or what?:)
Justters, great kebabs and even better prawns - yum yum!!
I had some too, yesterday, bought fresh from the fishmonger and cooked on the BBQ in their shells, and served with a fresh lemon, dill and parsley butter (herbs from our garden) with some Cheshire smoked streaky bacon (kinda 'surf & turf), and slices of Polish bread on the side (the stuff I make toast from in the morning), to mop up the melted butter and juices from the prawns:
Followed by shoulder of pork, sourced locally from our butcher, marinated in various herbs and spices overnight (cajun, etc) and studded with loads of fresh herbs from our garden, such as rosemary and thyme, and lots of garlic, cooked on the BBQ and served with a rich gravy, various seasonal fresh veg and roasted new potatoes:
Very quick snaps, as we wanted to get eating!:)
Large 4 cheese ravioli. Nice it was and not too filling
Looks good Marco.
I let 5 Guys overcharge me. Good burgers but that is silly expensive. Got a lot more fries than you see there. But so what. Still too much wonga.
Interesting... Never heard of that Burger Chain. Certainly none round here. Is it a southern England thing?
No it's a US burger chain that doesn't know it has a branch in Bristol.
Ah, I see that Chester's my nearest one. Might give it a go next time I'm in. Are the burgers a step-up from BK or McD?:)
Yes...they are super are the chips...The future son in law managed the Northumberland Street branch in Newcastle for a year or so, and worked the Metro Centre branch too....both places are always packed out...I dunno where these young'uns get the money can pay up to £21.00 for a burger (depending on what extra toppings you add) chips and drink..per person...
Might not look like its gonna be good but it is.
Steak pie and mash