Originally Posted by
Made in 1968
Im not a fan of eating, its a pain & an expense i could do without. So you see food is not an enjoyment but a ball & chain.
Regarding cabs its just that every diet i tried was shit & basically useless, even with excersize & believe me my last job made me do a lot of that. I decide to half a blokes calorie intake which i did & worked perfectly no less than 4LB per week loss. So you can understand the calorie intake allowance was the only way. It sticks with you after a year, i dont so much obsess but i know full well the amount i need to have. Im back on that regime as i need to get down as low as 12 stone. Loosing a lot of weight makes you more energetic anyway so excersize becomes a thing you just do without exerting yourself..I do have to be very careful with this new job as it a very sedentary job so still have to be careful with carbs.