Yup..."the business"
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Yup..."the business"
Sometimes the nicer things in life cost a bit....
Anyway, not Michelin starred, but we're going out for dinner tonight at a lovely local pub: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/uv?hl=...ADUQoioItwEwDg
We'll be sitting at that nice table by the river [although you can't see the river from the picture]! :cool:
Yesterday's leftover chicken n veg with sauce additions and noodles
Grant's meal pictures always make me hungry, even when I'm not!
When me and my brother were kids, we were so poor that we used to look at pictures of food in a big cookbook my mother had, and pretend it was our tea :)
A long time ago there was an advert for Mr Kipling's Cherry Bakewells, were the narrator said he used to wish he had one all to himself. I think Mr Kipling missed the point by making those tiny little 'individual' ones. We wanted a FULL SIZE one all to ourselves! But as they used to say, Mr Kipling does make exceedingly small cakes.
Cinnamon & Raisin Bagels for breakfast tomorrow.
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look good tony
My dog left an object on the lawn that looked remarkably similar actually. :D