Ti's lovelyhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...285f6416f5.jpg
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Looks a bit messy but very tasty, cheese & Bolognese sauce on toast
Garden chive scrammie eggs on well toasted sourdough init. Like a bit of carbon, me.
Just lovely.:)https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...e38522ab6d.jpg
Proper eggs, not overcooked. Scrummie scrammie! :-)
Nowhere near as good as the scrammie eggs.
Those eggs really hit the spot today.
What's that stuff on the carrots, dude?
Better you than me with the mint sauce, lol... The only thing I put mint sauce on is lamb. And it has to be home-made with fresh mint, as the bought stuff in jars (for me) tastes woeful!
Yes, that steak looks dry. Was it fillet? If not, then whatever it was didn't have much fat content, which is one of the reasons why it'll have been dry. With that type of steak, I always prefer a sauce, or even some herb butter melted on top:)
No idea why baking was suggested. I didn't never do that with steak. For me, steaks are all about fast cooking on a searing hot griddle pan, or charcoal barbecue, where a nice piece of ribeye is ideal. Also not a big fan of supermarket meat. I much prefer the stuff from a good butcher.
Yeah the potatoes look great! :cool:
Fillet can be very good despite bugger all fat. Usually it's ribeye for me, though. Just fancied a change.
Mint on new potatoes is dead good too, IMHO.