No, but I've tried it. McCallan 12 double wood I'd say is nice that way too but a bit expensive as all of theres are
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Glenrothes 18 year old; it's a bloody decent drop ;)
Mine will be done and dusted this week no doubt :D
Pain is driving me mad so will have a dram.
This glengoyne 12 is a personal fav. Sherried, and relatively smooth for age. Great mouthfeel and finish.
Super value. You can't go wrong with the 12.
Do you own a fine liquor store or just keep them in business?
You know more about good booze than anyone I know.
I wish you guys where with in driving distance, not sure if I could even ship booze after the seal is broken.
I just ordered a 2 liter French white oak level 3 chard mini barrel.
My plan is to seal /cure it, let it pickle in a good spiced rum for 2 months drain it dry into a glass 2 liter bottle as a mixer Rum.
Then use the barrel to finish a 100% Rye whiskey for a year possibly to 2 years depending on taste I'll taste after the 1st year to decide if it's ready.
This is going to be the Rye. Bottled in bond , so it's a good candidate for a double cask finish.
I will season the barrel for 2 months with Sailor Jerry's Rum. This will add some sweet molasses, date flavors to the other wise Earthy Rye.
My hope is they will get along after a year or two and make for a nice drink.
I wish I could share the out come with you guys.
I often think rum is over looked , you can get a nice Dark Bumbu small batch 15 year for $35.00 here ! Dark Rum is so under appreciated in the U.S.
It can impart so many complex flavors , it really shouldn't be over looked.
The Rittenhouse is a good starting point and fairly cheap... and no, you cant ship spirit alcohol with a broken seal(legally). In Fact its difficult to ship period unless your a company.
Sounds like a good plan tho.. not sure i will deffo be around that long so i dont make long term plans:)
A few interesting bottles tucked under the stereo