I had a ruinously expensive large glass of Nikka at a bar the other night - enjoyed it but was hoping they had some Hibiki in stock which is a bit more of a sensory experience ...
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I had a ruinously expensive large glass of Nikka at a bar the other night - enjoyed it but was hoping they had some Hibiki in stock which is a bit more of a sensory experience ...
might get another shelf up or a cabinet to keep my collection in/on. Looked after it can only rise in value lol
unless of course i open them :eek:
T-total and you are buying more? :doh:
All I can say is have a merry Christmas and a happy Hogmanay. :cool:
A small dram, on a regular basis was recommended to me on a daily basis by my Doctor.
Vast majority has been there for years tbh.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/102...923/cmgrDG.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/102...924/FbqeGB.jpg
Amaretti biscuits in the background, which will be served later with espresso coffee...