Sorry, Barry, I missed that. Are you referring to the wine? If so, we bought it in France :)Quote:
Sounds nice and at a reasonable price too! Where did you buy yours from Marco? Sainsburys?
Jolly nice it was, too!!
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Sorry, Barry, I missed that. Are you referring to the wine? If so, we bought it in France :)Quote:
Sounds nice and at a reasonable price too! Where did you buy yours from Marco? Sainsburys?
Jolly nice it was, too!!
Had 2 cases of this in the cellar for 7 or 8 years now.Going to give it a try tonight and see how it's doing
Respect, Andy :youtheman:
However, I hope before you drink it, you decant it properly, serve it at the right temperature in proper glasses for Burgundy, and most of all, enjoy it with a meal that befits its stature! ;)
Hi Marco
Yes, all done properly. :)
It's getting there, maybe a couple more years to reach its best.
Finishing off with Ramos Pinto port. Highly recommended.
Les Coucherias is worth looking out for. It's not bad at all.
I got the Teurons through a mix up. I actually ordered a couple of cases of Les Hospices 1er Cru as I only had one bottle left but recieved the Teurons by mistake. As a goodwill gesture the seller gave me a partial refund and I ended up paying less than £8 per bottle.:):):):):)
I wish I had the self-discipline to lay a wine down for 7 or 8 days, never mind years! :lol:
Sounds like a good evening!
I wish I had the self-discipline to lay a wine down from walking in the house with it :lol:
Nice outfit, dude - it suits ya. Bet the boots pinch after a while, though! :eyebrows:
Their killing me mate,i'll be glad to get em off