$60.00 in the U.S.
I'm on the hunt!
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$60.00 in the U.S.
I'm on the hunt!
Kraken is the worse Rum ever, and not because its a Dark Rum,I like a good Dark Rum . It's bad because it's fortified molasses.(Nasty sweet tar)
It's thick and way overly crude. So I tried to mix it with Sailor Jerry's to thin it out and break the sweet black tar into something drinkable.
No such luck, so I mixed in tome Coke zero because the last thing this needed was more sugar.
It is nearly drinkable but not my favorite so I will give this bottle to anyone that will take it and in my neighborhood it won't be to hard.
dillons at moment here is 28 notes
Nicholson bourbon tonight.
Tamnavulin tonight.. Sherried one this, and was good value in a litre bottle.
I pored boiling water in and after a couple hours there was just a couple small areas seeping,so I dumped out the water and rinsed out loose charcoal till it was clean.
Refilled with water and sealed the whole cask with a heat gun and 100% natural bees wax.
After letting it air out. I filled it full of Sailor Jerry's Rum and it will soak into the wood for 2 months then be drained out let air and filled with Old Foresters Rye Whiskey 100 proof for 1 year.
It dose hold every bit of 2 liters. I want it to swell mostly with Rum not so much water so the cask will be able to impart some of the sweet spice notes to the Rye whiskey.
July 18 Conner's 11th Birthday will be 2 mouths, So Rum time! When Conner turns 12 years old.Whiskey Time!!!
Rum cask rye.. Interesting concept. Not sure I've seen a commercial version. You might have hit on something