fill-in the pothole
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fill-in the pothole
Saints Be Praised
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bar is raised
stamp her ticket
lick her wicket
ball him out
go in, ball-deep
Remove his smirk
by placing ice
around the sac
deflating his stiffy
Cooling his interest
in leaders wives
wearing vintage girdles
Stays in place
regardless of abuse
Who to accuse?
big Tam pax
has been immured
inside luscious lips
Tired and fat
from lack of
that eleemosynary zeal
with visionary aplomb
Where's my bedder
beside your bladder
potty needs emptying
of some 'soup'
probably brown windsor
with 'bits' in
for what ails-ya
Cum again, darling?
pump action shots
whitewash the ceiling
a stippled finish
rivalling finest artex
grey and gloopy
battered and droopy
Tired and saggy
totally clapped out
stretched beyond repair
for recycling only
Marks like highways
marks like skiddies
Skids like soil
a flying buttress
-sized bum, was
sticking out from
a large holdall
which didn't hold-all