Hunting for pussy
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Hunting for pussy
peter the rabbit
One for pot
god she's hot
the sexy princess
made me hot
to trot, and
dot her t's
't' for tights
M for mites
Marmite in tights
a sticky mess
some London particular
soaked in gin
old Mothers ruin
pea and ham
from a chicken
now thats clever
Princess WANTS breakfast!!
wants my pea-soup
I hate that
The London Particular
The London bombing
blitzing some herbies
sniffing some scanties
nibbling the panties
white as snow
prim and proper
perfumed and princessy
a beautiful treasure
to spoil and-adore
Spank and ogle
satisfy her WANTS
Don’t get married
Divorce is probable
parting of ways
end of line
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
road to bali
Suffering from Indonesia
did ja cart'er
D'yer Mak'er go
Take a baloon
Stick on head
he's-a gas bag
full of wind
Phantom raspberry blower
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t care
lardy of-the lake
Toot, toot, toot