Hi All Im Alfonzo and love the format and content of the site. My system comprises: Michell TT to be replaced soon by a Garrard 401, SME V Koetsu Rosewood Sig some hand made el844 valve monos courtesy on my good friend and great all round Hi-fi guy Haden Boardman, CD Player is Marantz CD12 Transport and DAC, speakers Proac response 2.5's (to be repalced with some full range jobbies in the future. My musical tastes varied but predominantly Prog rock - yes we still exist lol. Hope fellow members will get in touch and maybe share some musical discoveries as I have loads of strange and weird stuff to tell people about. All the best A
hi alfonzo, thank you for you kind words, i wish i had a few spare but they dont seem to come up on the second hand market very often. regards,anthony,TD...
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