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14 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, you're welcome. Yes, OB's sound great, but you do have to be prepared to put up with the size! Once you hear speakers without boxes though, there's no going back IMHO.
  2. View Conversation
    hi there ali,thanx for posting the pics,your speaker are some size,i dont know much about all the electronics of building these beauties though my neighbour once built a set of speakers,he,s an electrician,hope tou have a nice evening fireing them up tonight........cheers maria
  3. View Conversation
    Funny; was listening briefly to Bastanis the other day. First time ever.
    Still think you're crazy (driving!). i held off going 125 miles last week. Always SORN my car over winter! (Rented a van to fetch the 3090s)
    safe journey. Sitting snug and no intention of moving!
  4. View Conversation
    (I think ) I told you....wait long enough and things will sell. I had to wait 3 months to sell my Duos.
    Just bought rare set of Leak 3090s. Looming rather in my Living room - a big contrast from the petite self-build PAWOs I had there!(my main set-up is in the basement)
    One of the Bass drivers is grating a little, though I believe its possible to re-align the magnet. If I knew what a realigned magnet entailed I'd DO it! More research needed.
    How are the Acorns getting along? Better? More detail/bass etc?
    Looks as if I won't be scratching the Panel itch , after having ELSs in 1980!.
    Seasoned greetings; keep warm up there!
    Chris in (relatively!) balmy Bristol.
  5. View Conversation
    Hi Ali,

    I don't remember what I said to you. Please semd me that fragment to refresh my memory.

  6. View Conversation
    Hi Ali,

    How's it going, Kirk (the captain) mentioned that you might be looking for a 'squeezebox controller', if so give me a shout as I have one to sell.
  7. View Conversation
    Hi Ali
    Thanks for the information, much appreciated. I will be modifying the DAC this weekend. I will let you know how I got on.


    Reg Parker
  8. View Conversation
    Hi Ali
    My name is Reg Parker and I have been following your posts, on this forum, on your progress of updating the Beresford 7510 to include the passive output mod. I am currently upgrading my Beresford 7510. It has been upgraded by Tirna electronics to include the WM8716 DAC and LM4562 Dual op amp and Mod 21. I have also changed the 5 V regulator to a UWB Class D 5 V Regulator. I would now like to further update my 7510 to include the Passive Output Mod. Ive seen the picture that you did for this Mod, on the forum, but I cant make out where I should take the output from the printed circuit board on this picture . Please could you let me know where the output should be taken on the printed circuit board.


    Reg Parker
  9. Ali, at some point in the future, I'll contact you re: The Caiman mod.
  10. View Conversation
    ali ?
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About Ali Tait

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About Ali Tait


“Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel. I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio”

Hunter S Thompson


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09-01-2011 18:46
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