That's not the cafe I normally frequent, the cafe I normally go to makes the tea too cold, I had to tell them about 10 times before they took action....
Yeh I get that, interestingly since I've been forced to enjoy this new headphone set up, I find myself revisiting my old techno records, for obvious...
True, I always had them on right, guess I was just a bit miffed that Sennheiser wanted to save a miniscule amount of money on not painting the R red...
Didn't wanna start a whole new thread, but since I started serious headphone listening again (after about a decade), I find myself wondering, does it...
Gonna get the popcorn in for the Mullahs vs the Joos big showdown. But will Russia back Iran? ? ? Remember the narrative of 'Threads' was that it all...
I'm actually gonna try and get use to my headphone amp as its underused and it wasn't cheap, but Barry's offer was a good one, I had a Mira once but...
So I made a mistake in my original email to Sugden, wrong email address! Just called them and they said the waiting list at the moment is not long at...