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About Us-&-Them
I have loved/got really interested in music since the age of 7. It all started when my Mom and Dad bought me a little portable wireless (made by Jap company called "Wien" if I remember correctly) and I heard Space Oddity and Life On Mars by David Bowie whilst listening in the playground at school - those songs blew me away and from then on, I never looked back - the rest is history !!! :)

Then it was full steam ahead throughout all the music movements that came afterwards - glam, rock, punk, mod, metal, electronic, new romantic and so on. I dont have much time for todays music corporation accountant driven music scene or media talent shows' conveyor belt pop scene - to me, its fake and contrived !! That's my view but, we're all different and like most things - its subjective and everybody else has different opinions and I accept that :)
Walsall, W Midlands, (an area of the country that doesn't seem to exist) England.


It isn't necessarily about doing things right, its also about doing the right thing !!!

ITS A LONG WAY TO THE TOP........................ WHEN YA WANNA ROCK N ROLL !!!

Pioneer SA-9800, SG-9800, TX-9800, P-D70, PD-7500, TX-D1000, PL-12D, HPM-60, REL Quake.

Mission Cyrus II + PSX Transformer. Marantz CD-52 MkII Sp Edtn. Sony Mini-Disc MDS-JE530. Thorens TD-166MkII.
Nakamichi Cassette Deck 2. Linn Index II + Ku-Stone Stands. REL Strata. Linn Interconnects throughout and Chord Flat Strand speaker cable.

Raspberry Pi / AUDIOPHONICS I-Sabre DAC ES9023 TCXO Streamer, Musical Fidelity V-CAN II, Pioneer VSX-811S AV Amp, Wharfdale Modus 1 Speakers, Exposure Cable, Target Stands.


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