Welcome to the The Art of Sound Forum.
Introduce yourself to our community, by telling us about your system and music tastes - and if you want, a little about you!
Post your system pictures or create/update your 'system blog'.
AoS meets and bake-offs. Please note that this section is STRICTLY for the aforementioned, (organised meets) and discussions about such, not for anything else.
New members please read before posting.
Important announcements from admin.
The websites of selected recommended dealers and manufacturers.
General hi-fi discussion. Anything not covered specifically in the categories below goes HERE. IMPORTANT: ANY equipment that predates 1990 should be posted in Past Masters.
CD, SACD, HDCD, DVD-A, File-Based Audio and Streaming, DACs, iPods, etc.
Turntables and all analogue SOURCE equipment and ancillaries. All discussions relating to tape, and to tape decks/RTRs, should also go here. Please note that the main area of this section is also for BELT-DRIVE turntable discussions.
AV / Audio-Visual and Multi-Channel set-ups, sources, system building and ancillaries.
D.I.Y Projects.
Advertise equipment, music and accessories for sale. Private ads, and strictly HI-FI RELATED items only. *** MUST INCLUDE QUALITY PICTURES, FRONT REAR, TOP SIDES ETC OF ACTUAL ITEM & INCLUDE PRICE !!! *** Ad will otherwise be deleted immediately!
The latest sale bargains and new products from dealers and manufacturers. Trade ads only.
All cable/equipment support discussion. Also mains accessories or anything which relates to the 'infrastructure' of your audio system. Info on valves and headphones (inc. headphone amps and systems) should also be discussed here.
Tell us of any fantastic tweaks, free or otherwise, which have transformed your system. Also post reviews of equipment and ancillaries.
Vintage and classic hi-fi.
Why we own a hi-fi system. Tell us about your favourite music, new purchases, etc.
Post reviews of your favourite albums/artists, and perhaps introduce other members to some great new music!
Discussions not about hi-fi or music.
Off-topic photographs
Feedback and suggestions from our valued members.
Reference Resource Available To Registered Members Only.
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Welcome to our newest member, Paul Francis Law