Conversation Between Marco and twelvebears

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Marco.

    Hope you don't mind the PM, but would appreciate your opinion/advice off-line.

    Have read loads of threads and you seem to have a pretty balanced viewpoint and I'm just aware that there are some strong views out there and people with trade interests/connections.

    Re my SL-1210, I've got a DL-304 and the decent Sumiko headshell, squidigy mat and record clamp are in the post. I just want to know if there's value in doing 'stuff' with the standard arm, or if I'm 'flogging a dead horse'.

    My problem is that, I know what I (really, really) want is a SA-750D but at £450, that's going to be pushing my luck on the WAF, even with my understanding better-half.

    So can I get some worthwhile improvements out the standard arm without 'dropping a monkey' on the Jelco.

    Thoughts appreciated.


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