Conversation Between jahsavage and Tmltech

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Andy

    I've been rude not replying to you eariler, yes its Timsbury where I live just south of Bath. When the weather is good the wife and I go for a motorbike ride in your direction. We know the Lamb at Hindon and the Boot Inn at Tisbury.

    As regards HiFi I've had the bug for many years, I'm currently hot rodding an Almarro A318B at the moment, the results have been spectacular

  2. Hi Paul

    Im Assuming you mean Tisbury not Timsbury? I work just outside of Tisbury so am their most week days. Let me know your number and we can arrange
  3. Hi Andy
    I live just up the road from you in Timsbury so I'm happy to chat hi-fi over a beer if you are interested?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3