Conversation Between ramsden and Firebottle

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Ras, If you want tone controls you could start by looking at vintage Leak (Varislope 2 preamp) or Armstrong amplifiers or receivers.
  2. Hi Alan,
    I have question touching my next journey in hifi.
    Never tried valve amps, so I hope you could help with your huge experience.
    The problem is I need tone controls and I don’t want to spend fortune.
    Also I am a bit spoilt by my standards I don’t want something mediocre not showing what valves can do. I know, hard task.
    But to start somewhere I am looking for some solution, many ideas, but without help impossible.
    I could start with preamp only, as example. Or try to convert/refurbish/repair an old good design amp or so.
    Would you be able to help with some advices?
    Thank you
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