Conversation Between nickv and Firebottle

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Nick, I am assuming you have sent a visitor message as you haven't made enough posts on the forum to use the PM system yet.
    You're lucky as I have missed visitor messages before.

    I don't make kit anymore, I have cut back on stuff and am enjoying a semi retirement.
    However I do have a brand new preamp that might fit the bill for you.

    These are very good for the money, you could have it for £60 plus postage.

    Cheers, Alan
  2. Hi Alan

    i'm looking for a valve pre amp to put in my system after DAC . Don't need phono inputs. 2-3 inputs would suffice. Do you have, or can you make anything? thanks Nick
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2