Conversation Between flo1984 and droom

5 Visitor Messages

  1. hi, I'll refund the money straight away.
  2. Hi
    It seems that you have sold the cables to someone else. Can you refund the £150 I have paid please into my bank account -My details are -

    Account name Mr D J Room
    Account number - 53013872
    Sort - 16 52 21
    My contact number is 07976 247000 if you need to contact me.
  3. Hi Florian
    I've paid the money into your bank account. Please send to
    David Room
    118 North Road
    Lancs, LA5 9LU
    tel 07976 247000
  4. hi there,ok Im agree florian balazs lloyds bank 30-94-19 14839468
  5. Hi
    Re. Twist cables. I will take these and can offer £150 delivered to LA5 9LU. If that's OK I can pay straight away by PayPal gift or bank transfer.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5