View Full Version : WTB Croft OTL power amplifier (other OTLs considered)

21-02-2011, 15:41
I am looking for a Croft OTL power amp in good condition (other OTLs also considered)
Please PM me if you have anything.

Ali Tait
21-02-2011, 16:14
If you can't find a Croft, consider one of these-


21-02-2011, 16:35
Thanks. I had seen the Transcendants mentioned on various forums
are they any good?

I understand OTL's need to be very well built/designed so that they don't blow the speakers, particularly where speakers are sensitive (not that I am techy or anything) - speakers in this case will be 104dB La Scalas in a secondary system

Other potential candidates seem to be Graaf and Klimos - I currently use a modded Croft Twinstar 4/5 to drive another pair of full range speakers with which I am very happy, so Croft seemed to be a good starting point
but not many around at a good s/h price for a secondary system


Ali Tait
21-02-2011, 17:10
I have heard them on a couple of occasions, the first time was in my own system quite a few years ago. It was very good indeed, and probably threw the widest soundstage I have ever heard. I think they are well designed, so no need to fear for your speakers.

You do need the right speakers though. Any sign of a difficult load will make an OTL fall over, which is what happened the second time I heard them, but I'd say your LaScalas would sound fantastic with one. In fact, I'd be very tempted by the single ended amp. Should be plenty of power for those. I did hear one at our last DIY get together, but it ran out of puff as the speakers weren't sensitive enough. Sounded very good a low level though.

21-02-2011, 17:15
Wow, those Transcendent amps have an impressive valve forest! They must look awesome at night. Not to mention the sound. :eyebrows: Very nice. :stalks:


Ali Tait
21-02-2011, 17:25
Aye, they sound very good. I think the fact that they are kits puts some folk off, but they can be bought built. The chassis are good quality too.

22-02-2011, 08:32
I really love to hear one sometime. It should work well with the OBs

Ali Tait
22-02-2011, 09:53
They would indeed I think. It was an OB using Saba drivers I heard the single ended OTL on at the last do. A bit lost in the large room, but it did sound good otherwise.

22-02-2011, 10:12
I replaced some valve-eating Tube Technology Genesis power amps with a Croft OTL Series 3. When working, the sound was stunning and the circuit very simple I recall. HOWEVER, the line fuses would blow at random, so much so that I kept a multi-meter and set of fuses alongside and checked regularly. The one occasion I didn't, one Saturday when I had friends round and the music was at whisper levels, there was a firework display inside and I ran into the hall where the mains board was located and switched the whole house off. Needless to say, the amp was passed on shortly after and I went the AVI route.

In defence of Glenn Croft, his later OTL's had regulated supplies and the big monos he made were very reliable I believe. had I persevered, I'm sure he'd have regulated it or done something to improve stability.

Ali Tait
22-02-2011, 10:28
I've not heard of anyone having any issues at all with the Transcendent stuff.

22-02-2011, 12:22
I have a Croft OTL Series 3 which I would part with; yes they can blow fuses, mine did until I fitted some large Thermistors (CL60) which allows for a slower turn-on. Whether Glen would frown on the change I do not know:scratch:

One thing with OTLs - do not switch on and then plug in the speakers!

I believe that Glen Croft used La Scalas when he was designing the OTLs - I cannot remember who said that though.

22-02-2011, 12:49
Tom Fletcher used his big mono's with Klipsch Corner Horns - early ones..

22-02-2011, 13:07
It was from Tom that I got my Series 3 OTL, I do remember those KHorns that he built - what a beautiful finish (and sound of course!).

24-02-2011, 18:53

I have tried to PM you regarding the Croft Series 3 - is your inbox full by any chance?

Thanks Neil

24-02-2011, 21:16

I have tried to PM you regarding the Croft Series 3 - is your inbox full by any chance?

Thanks Neil
Sorry Neil - a bit busy - I have sent a reply and an email!
