View Full Version : Aurora Borealis

The Grand Wazoo
17-02-2011, 11:08
Apparently there's a good chance of a showing of the Northern Lights tonight & over the next few nights further south in the UK than normal. There was a bit of a show on Monday in some parts of the country, apparently.



Reid Malenfant
17-02-2011, 11:32
Ooooh, cheers for the heads up Chris :) I have always wanted to see this, but being in a city is going to make it very problematic indeed :scratch:

Might as well see if i can see anything though, saves a trip to Norway after all :eyebrows:

17-02-2011, 15:01
Yes, I'll be on the look out tonight. If they were observed in southern China there's a chance they might appear here over the potato fields of Essex.

I made a special trip to Iceland in 2004 to see the Aurora. It was in November, bloody freezing, but I did get to see them! The display was not as spectacular as it might have been, but just seeing them satified a life-long ambition of mine.

I always thought that when I did get to see them, I would be laying on the ground listening to Pink Floyd on a Sony Walkman. Had I done that I would have died of hypothermia - it really was freezing cold. I could only put up with standing outdoors on the ice and snow for about a half hour.

So do try and see if they are observable where you live. They really are a wonderful natural spectacle.

The Grand Wazoo
17-02-2011, 15:15
I've seen them three times - the first was as far down south as Sussex in 1987. Completely freaky conditions created a chance to see them one night down there.
The second time was in south-west Scotland - the night before my daughter was born - I'm not sure what I should read into that!
The last time was in east Ontario, I got a huge, sky filling half hour display which would have gone down very well with a bit of Pink Floyd.

As you say, Barry, it's something that has to be experienced.

17-02-2011, 15:21
I made a special trip to Iceland in 2004 to see the Aurora.

Must've been the name of the manager then, I guess.....

I thought you went there every week for your oven chips, Barry - seven years is a long time to wait! Or is it only mums who go to Iceland? :eyebrows:



17-02-2011, 15:27
Must be the name of the new manager, I guess.....

I thought you went there every week for your oven chips, Barry - seven years is a long time to wait! Or is it only mums who go to Iceland? :eyebrows:



No, not oven chips Marco - fish fingers. Actually I sampled the delicacies of fermented fish (yuk!) and also puffin (rather good; apologies to any AoS members who hail from Lundy!)


17-02-2011, 15:33
Ah, that's right - you get your oven chips from Farmfoods, soz! :doh:


Quite fancy roasting a puffin.... Maybe next Sunday....

Anyway, chaps, sorry for the rude interruption, but I couldn't resist!


17-02-2011, 20:49
Little chance of seeing this in London to much light pollution here

Reid Malenfant
17-02-2011, 20:59
Little chance of seeing this in London to much light pollution here
Little chance here either John, it misty outside :doh: Damn shame, i might take a look later on though.

17-02-2011, 22:16
I took a drive up to White horse hill but alas, loads of mist and fog on the horizon. Funny tho, the moon which very high in the sky was crystal clear and very bright!

The Grand Wazoo
17-02-2011, 22:18
Been out a few times this evening but nothing. We'll be walking the mutt a bit later though, so maybe there'll be something then.

17-02-2011, 22:20
Yep! It's foggy here as well, so no-show. :(

17-02-2011, 22:50
Been out a few times this evening but nothing. We'll be walking the mutt a bit later though, so maybe there'll be something then.

Watch out for that mad axeman on the news that escaped! :eek:
