View Full Version : Happy Birthday Alex

The Grand Wazoo
17-02-2011, 00:26
...........Alex_UK, that is.

All the best mate - hope you have a good 'un. Does your wife know how many CD's she's bought you yet? (New Years Resolution, me arse!)

Rare Bird
17-02-2011, 00:50
Hi Alex
Have a great day mi owd sausage


17-02-2011, 01:12
Happy musical birthday, Alex :)

Techno Commander
17-02-2011, 01:22
Ooh happy birthday. :):)

17-02-2011, 01:23
Yes - Happy Birthday Alex. Have a good one! :cheers:

17-02-2011, 01:27
Happy Birthday, big boy! :mex:

As you know, I'll be giving you a 'special present' at Scalford Hall :flasher: :lol: :eyebrows:


Have a good one, enjoy yer choons, and sink a few frothies :cool:


17-02-2011, 04:07
Happy Birthday Alex!!!
Have a tall glass of your favorite adult bevarage and relax to some tunes.

17-02-2011, 07:21
Have a great birthday hope to meet you at Scalford in March

17-02-2011, 07:33
Happy birthday Alex, me old mucker! Have a great day!

Ali Tait
17-02-2011, 09:27
+1. All the best mate.

Reid Malenfant
17-02-2011, 10:05
Many happy returns of the day Alex :birthday:

Hope you have a good one :)

17-02-2011, 10:56
Have a good day :cool::cool::cool:

17-02-2011, 12:39
Thanks everyone - spending the day in a basement in Milton Keynes - sadly not an S&M dungeon, but the joys of working in IT!

Going out for a meal with the missus this evening to our favourite restaurant so will no doubt have a few drinkies to celebrate. :cheers:

Looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible at Scalford.

PS - Chris (TGW) - my pressie will actually (hopefully!) help in the CD buying reduction, as I have a shiny new Ipod Touch - the intention is to use it as a remote for Spotify and itunes, and also store some of the Spotify tracks on it, and investigate other iphone/ipod apps. Well, that was my excuse for wanting it anyway!

PPS - Marco - I thought you were keeping my special present a secret - now I'm (even more) worried! :eek:

17-02-2011, 14:20
Happy Birthday mate, hope you have a good one, a shiney new touch eh many happy hours of fiddling i see ahead,

Don't the rest of you sleep looking at the time of the first few postings in this thread :mental:

Rare Bird
17-02-2011, 15:36
Don't the rest of you sleep looking at the time of the first few postings in this thread :mental:
No :lolsign:

ps: Alex don't get too worried about Marco's present they don't call him wee willy winky for nowt :D

17-02-2011, 15:40

Sleep is overrated, Johnny boy, besides Andre was up watching the porn channels on satellite, typing with one hand, whilst having a shlack-a-lack with the other. He's got it down to a fine art now - in fact somewhat strangely, his spelling has improved massively! :eyebrows:


17-02-2011, 16:33
Happy Birthday.

Took me a while to find an appropriate card, so here it is.

http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/93/happybirthdaycardp13796.jpg (http://img87.imageshack.us/i/happybirthdaycardp13796.jpg/)


The Vinyl Adventure
17-02-2011, 16:38
i found an inappropriate one ... or at least an odd one ...


17-02-2011, 16:43
Happy Birthday Alex :)

And yes, I did see you wave at me while I was still behing the sofa ;)

Spectral Morn
17-02-2011, 18:55
Happy Birthday Alex :cool:

Regards D S D L

17-02-2011, 19:15
Icky Burpday mate :D

See ya soon :)

17-02-2011, 19:40
Don't the rest of you sleep looking at the time of the first few postings in this thread :mental:

A tooth abscess has been keeping me up at nights. If you cannot sleep, muck around on AoS to take your mind off it, is what I say :rolleyes:

17-02-2011, 21:08
Many Happy Returns Alex :birthday:

18-02-2011, 07:14
Thanks again everyone, had a lovely meal out last night, one glass too many and too late to bed which I'm now regretting as setting off for London, but hopefully I can have a snooze on the train! Although thanks to Hamish I might not be able to if I can't stop thinking about that card... ewwww....

Yes Jon -some Touch fiddling to come over the weekend I think :eyebrows:

Martin - hope your tooth is sorted out soon - horrible things abscesses.