View Full Version : Turntable stand

15-02-2011, 21:01
Im selling of my racks and most of my equipment but i still need support for my Technics.

Would everyone agree that a wall platform , like a Target jobby, is the way to go?

The Grand Wazoo
15-02-2011, 21:03
That kind of depends on your wall.........and your floor.

Reid Malenfant
15-02-2011, 21:03
You really can't get much better than a solid stand bolted to a brick wall, i mean how solid do you want it :eyebrows:

15-02-2011, 21:08
Wooden floor and its on joists ( suspended ?) the wall is plaster board with some wooden laminate thing glued on ( it used to part of a coffee shop that had grandeurs of a Starucks)

Reid Malenfant
15-02-2011, 21:09
Oh gosh, i take it all back - bricks rule though :)

The Grand Wazoo
15-02-2011, 21:30
Like I said.....it depends!
I'd be going for the floor meself!
Get yerself some bastard big screws & some slim wooden wedges. Screw the boards down tight to the joists. If they won't go tight, then see if you can lift them in the loose spots, get a wedge in the gaps & screw 'em down properly tight.
Then take some threaded bar the same as the spikes on your TT table. Drill some holes in the floor at the places where the spikes dug into the boards. Lift an adjacent board.
From underneath, put nuts & some big repair washers on the ends of the bar and screw them into the bushes on the legs of your TT table.
Do up the nuts tight.

Do the same with your speaker spikes as well.
Before you move out, fill up the holes with wood filler.

15-02-2011, 21:38
Whilst doing all this turning of screws into the floor you should also be very aware of any electrical wiring and where it is run; same too with any plumbing or gas pipework.

If you can't be certain, don't do it.

15-02-2011, 21:40
Blimey. Yeah alright then.
Do you think i could get away with one of those Ikea Lack tables that some people use :eyebrows: Or is that a bit cheap.

15-02-2011, 21:57
would probably make it worse, but I use 2 on a wooden floor to good effect.

15-02-2011, 22:23
I've always wonered what one of these would be like, shame it's in the states. :(


Stick a slab of granite on top and bob's your grandfathers other son.

In real tems it's a bargain compared to some of the iron and glass specialist hifi offerings.

Might drop through a suspended floor though. :lolsign:

15-02-2011, 22:29
Pig ugly too!

15-02-2011, 22:42
Agreed, more function over form, but then wall mount supports don't win any prizes for asthetics either. Bit smaller though. :)

16-02-2011, 08:22
I've always wonered what one of these would be like, shame it's in the states. :(

Postage $35?? Worldwide?? I somehow doubt that ;)

Mr Pig
16-02-2011, 18:09
Would everyone agree that a wall platform , like a Target jobby, is the way to go?

Turntables like wall shelves. You would think otherwise but they do. Even a stud wall seems to work ok. Even lightweight DIY shelves seem to sound quite nice.

I've tried a lot of tables and supports and the best I've used by a country mile is Mana. It's stunning and well worth the cost. Even then a Mana wall shelf is better than a floor stand, even John Watson of Mana said that. But if the floor is sturdy and the wall wobbly I'd go for a floor stand.

16-02-2011, 19:08
Hasnt Manna folded?
The wall i was going to use sounds like a snare drum when you tap it, its been built using two stud skins so in effect its a big empty chamber.:rolleyes:

Mr Pig
16-02-2011, 19:38
Hasn't Mana folded?

Oh yes, long time ago, but you can still find the stuff on the used market. It'll be around for a long time, it's virtually indestructible!

The wall I was going to use sounds like a snare drum when you tap it, in effect its a big empty chamber.

How that would sound who knows. It sounds like a bad idea but so does a lot of things that work ok. What you can do is rip the wall open, add strength to the inside then re-sheet it. You can put in wooden straps exactly where you want to hang the shelf.

16-02-2011, 19:43
Not a bad idea. Could even fill the cavity with sand.

Mr Pig
16-02-2011, 19:48
Could even fill the cavity with sand.

Mmm, I don't know. apart from the practical considerations, could be interesting if you ever drill into it, I don't know what it would sound like. Sometimes things that you would think would work, just don't. I genuinely have no idea what a sand-filled wall might do.

Reid Malenfant
16-02-2011, 19:58
Colin, what i suggest you do is find out where the studs are & get a couple of bits of 3/4" MDF & glue them together (or use one piece of 1" MDF) & make a board big enough to attach the wall mount to the studs directly...

It shouldn't be too difficult & at the end of the day if you remove it you'll just have between 4 & however many screws holes you choose to fill in ;)

16-02-2011, 20:07
That sounds easy do able;)

Mr Pig
16-02-2011, 23:45
What I've done a couple of times is open up the wall and put an offcut of kitchen worktop inside. You screw that between the between the studs so that it's flush with the front of them. Then replace the plasterboard, refinish the wall and you can screw your shelf to the worktop, through the plasterboard. Gives a very solid mounting and is totally invisible.

Of course some Hi-Fi wall shelves are designed to match the standard spacing of the studs so you can screw directly onto them! ;0)