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View Full Version : Does good Booze= better sound?

13-02-2011, 03:29
Drinkin some damed fine scotch tonight with Leon RedBone Up The LazyRiver.

Some thing just jumped out at me,
When I get to old to drink my poison striaght,or hear my music with both good ears or see my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night with out pissin myself.
I hope the good Lord brings me home.
There are very few things that I must have to keep me happy,my wife ,son, a good stiff drink ,music,and a warm bed,and foodand did I say a good stiff drink.

What are your vises?
and dose booze make your music better?

Rare Bird
13-02-2011, 03:42
Hi Jeff:
Yeah i like a good drink, thing is it depends what i sup, if it beer i can't listern to music cos i get in such a state drinking for england, if i sup Red Wine i can cos i'm like a fly in heat on it, it sends me dosey.

13-02-2011, 03:46
Hi Jeff:
Yeah i like a good drink, thing is it depends what i sup, if it beer i can't listern to music cos i get in such a state drinking for england, if i sup Red Wine i can cos i'm like a fly in heat on it, it sends me dosey.

Beer and wine are like kissin your sister,it dosen't count for much.
A propper drink is at least 80 proof and warms your cockels.

Rare Bird
13-02-2011, 03:48
Beer and wine are like kissin your sister,it dosen't count for much.
A propper drink is at least 80 proof and warms your cockles.

Not my idea of boozing sipping spirits from a glass, i like to guzzle pints one after each other till my guts hangin out. ;)


13-02-2011, 04:36
Not my idea of boozing sipping spirits from a glass, i like to guzzle pints one after each other till my guts hangin out. ;)


Who said anything about sipping booze from a glass,I can guzzle too mate:eek:
I buy my whisky in the 1.75 liter bottles and they don't last very long.
Single malt by the 5th.
American beer is what I drink when I want a glass of water,it's even good for breakfast.
I guess your beer still has a little alcohol in it.I don't care for drinkin to piss all night.
You can't get a good pint here mate just beer flavored water,,,
You have to drink it cold just to get it down.Land o the free huh?

13-02-2011, 04:45
Several glasses of booze and moveing into Ray Charles.
God save me liver...

13-02-2011, 05:57
Nothing like some good warm British beer Lol

13-02-2011, 08:33
You can't get a good pint here mate just beer flavored water,,,
You have to drink it cold just to get it down.Land o the free huh?


In truth, Jeff, you yanks do have a few decent brewers creating fantastic beers. I went to San Francisco about 10 years ago and was spoilt for choice with little micro-breweries all over the place, and out into the sticks too.

Anchor Steam, Sierra Nevada and Flying Dog are available over in the UK and taste great. Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter is one of my all-time fave beers ever, but at 9.2% it's a sipping beer :)

Mr Pig
13-02-2011, 09:52
Does booze make your music better?

I would think so. It makes everything else better.

You can dance better,
You can drive better,
You can talk better,
Women look better.

I don't drink any more. Only so much 'improvement' my life can take ;0)

13-02-2011, 09:55
'I feel sorry for those people who don't drink because when they get up in the morning that's the best they're going to feel all day'

Frank Sinatra - Live at the Sands

Mr Pig
13-02-2011, 13:18
"Reality is an illusion caused by lack of alcohol"

Somebody- somewhere..

Jac Hawk
13-02-2011, 14:02
if you think about it most bands or artists going back more than 50+ years wrote their music while under the influence of either drink or drugs or both, so it stands to reason that having a drink while you listen somehow makes the music sound better, i recommend a good single malt, or if you're feeling brave Absinthe at around 140 proof it'll put hairs on yer chest for sure.

13-02-2011, 14:15
I usually drink Murphy's to improve sound quality however on the odd occasion I drink red wine instead I find that the sound improves again. Different types of alchohol seem to result in a different quality of inebriation.

Or maybe it's just me:scratch:

Reid Malenfant
13-02-2011, 14:18
Different types of alchohol seem to result in a different quality of inebriation.

Or maybe it's just me:scratch:
Not just you Martin ;)

13-02-2011, 14:20
Not just you Martin ;)

Okay = we can do a double-blind test at Scalford then...find out once and for all. Hic.:lolsign:

Reid Malenfant
13-02-2011, 14:29
Okay = we can do a double-blind test at Scalford then...find out once and for all. Hic.:lolsign:
Sounds like a plan :eyebrows:

Here is half of my evening tipple, when i say half i mean i add 7.5% cider to it & have snakebites. I'll sink 4 pints of this on an evening :cool:


13-02-2011, 14:35
Sounds like a plan :eyebrows:

Here is half of my evening tipple, when i say half i mean i add 7.5% cider to it & have snakebites. I'll sink 4 pints of this on an evening :cool:


You add cider to your Cresta! Lightweight!...round my way we add meths:lol:

13-02-2011, 16:44
'I feel sorry for those people who don't drink because when they get up in the morning that's the best they're going to feel all day'

Frank Sinatra - Live at the Sands

Trajic if this is as good as I could feel all day.

And BTW I always did like steam bear and Ancer is fantastic when I can get my hands on a bottle brewed for export.

We do make some great micro beer,but with less than half of the alcohol you guys are used too

This was the best beer ever at 18% and what flavor,I used to get it from Italy by the case once every 3 months.
It was bought out by Heiniken and now it sucks.