View Full Version : bendy birds

11-02-2011, 22:02
Two girls in a tight fix :eek:

http://www.jokeroo.com/bin/player.swf?5f9f_f369 (http://www.jokeroo.com/bin/player.swf?5f9f_f369)

11-02-2011, 22:10
Linky no worky......


11-02-2011, 22:22
oops, you will need shockwave (http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/) player

11-02-2011, 22:24
Linky work for me :scratch:

Blimey. Not what I was expecting!

What were you searching for when you found that, Jon ;)

11-02-2011, 22:35
its our twentyeth wedding anniversary on the 23rd, just keeping it fresh;)

11-02-2011, 22:49
:lolsign: Fresh is good!

Rare Bird
12-02-2011, 00:43
linky no work

12-02-2011, 00:46
Same here (on AOL and Internet Explorer browsers), even after I installed Shockwave....

I just get a blank page and the word "Done".

Compychooter experts, any idea wossup?


Ali Tait
12-02-2011, 01:14
Works for me on IE.

12-02-2011, 01:24
You must have something installed on yer comp, dude, I don't have....


Ali Tait
12-02-2011, 01:43
Tis a new laptop.

12-02-2011, 01:59
That probably explains it, Mine is nearly five years old! :)

There's loads of stuff that folk post links to that I can't see - happens all the time.


12-02-2011, 09:07
That probably explains it, Mine is nearly five years old! :)

There's loads of stuff that folk post links to that I can't see - happens all the time.


Hi Marco,

Age shouldn't be a problem, I built this old beast about 6 years ago...

Have you tried using another browser, I find Google Chrome to be better/quicker than IE, worth a shot, and it's nicer to use IMHO.

Very useful if you also create a Gmail account, as it will synchronise your browser settings and favourites for any machine you log into. :)

12-02-2011, 09:15
AOL routes all traffic through their own proxy servers, which means odd stuff can happen, including odd filtering of traffic on occasion. This can happen regardless of browser. But I would recommend a better browser. Even if it's just the latest version of IE, which should 'inherit' all your Favourites and History...

12-02-2011, 09:29
AOL routes all traffic through their own proxy servers, which means odd stuff can happen, including odd filtering of traffic on occasion. This can happen regardless of browser. But I would recommend a better browser. Even if it's just the latest version of IE, which should 'inherit' all your Favourites and History...

Hi Nick,

I did consider AOL's nanny state, but surely even they don't consider acrobats as restricted viewing.

I wonder if you can use another browser with AOL, I recall they used to provide a 'customised' version of IE in the old dial up days, where the connectivity and the browser were tied together, but that's a while back.

I used to use IE but I find Chrome to be much better IMHO, have you tried it?

Mr Pig
13-02-2011, 10:02
It's an amazing thing to be able to do although I'm puzzled as to why you'd want to.

13-02-2011, 10:33
fresh ind eed - here it plays as an Adobe Flash player movie

Remember to update that once in a while http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/

As well as Acrobat Reader http://get.adobe.com/dk/reader/

Techno Commander
13-02-2011, 11:40
Rather appealing. :)


13-02-2011, 17:06
I wonder how menny girls like that would fit in an E Smart.
I've seen 6 pakistani's on one moped.
Ive seen 12 Mexicans pile out of a old Toyota Camery at a liquor store,it looked like a clown car,they just kept comming out!

One rank fart in that little box could kill them both.

Marco, try firefox, or down load VLC player.
VLC player has all video codecs and it's free.
I scaned it for viruses,it's cool.I keep the latest version in my laptop because it opens stuff nothing else but my Coral video editing software will open and it's easyer.Easy is good.
http://www.gofree.com/vlcmediaplayer.php?gclid=CN3O4uXQhacCFQkSbAodc3cCe w


13-02-2011, 17:28
Marco, are you using the AOL provided browser? It must be ancient!

Try downloading Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 9, they're both excellent.

13-02-2011, 18:14
Marco, are you using the AOL provided browser? It must be ancient!

Try downloading Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 9, they're both excellent.

I belive Fire Fox Beta is the most secure browser right now,and the latest.
It is highly recomended,I gave him a link. Explorer is to open to virus through java Script due to it's format.

13-02-2011, 18:26
I think you'll find IE9 is pretty secure. It's a ground-up redesign.

13-02-2011, 18:39
Bear in mind that IE9 will only run on Windows 7 and Vista (SP2) - not on XP.

13-02-2011, 18:59
Martin,give firefox beta a try,there are ways you can customize and tweek it to even make it faster.
do a little search on the best browsers.

And Google Crome is bloated with task bars and crap that slows you down.
Eather would be a good choice.

13-02-2011, 19:39
After some extencive reading and serching...
If I had an older XP computer I would use Opra.


Opera 11.01 is very fast due to it's small file size and very,very secure.

13-02-2011, 20:21
I just made Opera 11.01 my default browser and with there turbo feature it is very fast.
It is faster than Firefox Beta,and far less bloated and very easy to use,all your bookmarks will transfer aswell, nice.

Yup,changes pages 3X faster than Firefox,I am going to try Crome now.

I now have 4 different web browsers I can change as my default and so far Opra is by far the simplest and fastest,really fast when you add there turbo feature.

I have found some very cool security features on this browser to test a sites security encription.