View Full Version : The price is going upwards and beyond

11-02-2011, 17:59
This arvo I was sheltering from the rain under the awning of a Cash Exchange outlet. I got bored with that and went inside for a sticky beek. At the very back of the shop was four shelves with dusty old DJ TTs having seen much better days, amongst them a couple of 1210 clones but what raised my interest were two genuine 1210s, dusty, dented, battered, paint chipped with dirty worn slip mats... the 'for sale' sticker asked for £300.00 each! Two and a bit years ago I bought my 1210 absolutely new and in a sealed box with all the gubbins, lid etc., for £312.00p. I grinned and thought to myself, 'glad I bought when I did'!
IN case you haven't noticed, the price is going up fellas!!! :stalks:

Ron :violin:

11-02-2011, 19:14
Four, maybe five years ago I bought two 1200's for no more than £84.00 ea. ($135.00) After very minor repairs (pop-up light, power switch cap, general cleaning) they were up and running. Previously, I had purchased a brand new 1210 for £375.00 ($600.00); but, ended up returning it because the used ones were just as rock solid as a new one. It is nice to be ahead of the curve. I'd like to get another; but, it just doesn't make sense to me to pay the crazy asking price these days. Yes, it's a great table. Yes, it has always rivaled considerably more expensive tables; but, there are literally millions of these out in the wild. There are always plenty on auction. There are always classified ads for these. I'd like to get a couple more :) ; but, I think I'll wait 'til the next big thing to put the 1200 to shame comes along ;) and buy a couple more 1200's then. Well, that is, if I have enough pocket change then. That Trans-Fi Salvation has really caught my eye.

11-02-2011, 20:46
My SL1200 MKII was £250 just before xmas! They do still go for less, but this one looked to be in a well looked after state (which it was) and the gyrodeck in the backgound lead me to suspect that the owner care about his kit. I was happy to pay a bit of a premium. £300 is a bit steep for something battered about for sure.

11-02-2011, 20:51
There are still loads around for under 200 spot.