View Full Version : Headphones for MP3 player

01-02-2011, 20:24

Has anyone got any recommendations for headphones that will plug into an MP3 player?

I'm willing to consider anything up to about £150, but cheaper is better. Ideally not too big/flashy, as I don't want to look like a complete dick on the train.

02-02-2011, 08:00
Sennheiser PX 100 are what I use. KOS Portapro are pretty good for the price too.

Techno Commander
02-02-2011, 08:12
Another vote for the Portapros.

02-02-2011, 10:31
Another vote for the Portapros.

I've been looking for some too.

Cheers for the tip, at £20 I'll give them a pop :)

Techno Commander
02-02-2011, 11:14
Here's (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showpost.php?p=165818&postcount=14) how to improve them. :)

02-02-2011, 11:44
Sennheiser CX300 are cheap as chips and very discrete( reputable retailers only as fakes are everywhere). Superb bass for £20. I have seen Audio Chi headphones (http://www.audiochi.com/) reduced in Comet. They look really good and the cable doesn't tangle easily.

02-02-2011, 12:21

I got a pair of Jays' Q-Jays recently and they sound fabulous. I paid £75 for mine, second hand - they retail for around £120. They have a lovely natural full range, they're clear and unmuddied, great clarity through the mids and highs, capable of pleasing and realistic bass, not fatty exaggerated kiddy bass! I had a pair of £45 Sennheisers before and these blew them away - I was a bit gobsmacked to be honest. They are very very comfortable as well; have loads of accessories. Love 'em!


02-02-2011, 12:25
Thanks for the recommendations guys. Since posting I've been doing a bit of trawling on the web. Seems there are a quite a few bluetooth sets available (for example Sennheiser PXC 310 BT). I could be seduced. Do any of you have experience of wireless headphones?

Edit: Also to those who have suggested 'in ear' options, thank you and my apologies: I should have mentioned in my original post that I'm after 'on/over ear' ones. I've tried many in ear phones that claim to have secure fit/be good for sport etc.. and find myself having to pop them back in again every few minutes. I guess I must have funny ears.

02-02-2011, 13:00
Thanks for the recommendations guys. Since posting I've been doing a bit of trawling on the web. Seems there are a quite a few bluetooth sets available (for example Sennheiser PXC 310 BT). I could be seduced. Do any of you have experience of wireless headphones?

Edit: Also to those who have suggested 'in ear' options, thank you and my apologies: I should have mentioned in my original post that I'm after 'on/over ear' ones. I've tried many in ear phones that claim to have secure fit/be good for sport etc.. and find myself having to pop them back in again every few minutes. I guess I must have funny ears.

I have a set of motorola S9s, which are blutooth, because of their fit they'd be rubbish for the gym etc. but the sound quality is very good, the main problem with blutooth is amount of battery it uses...Oh and I look like some bloody extra from startreck with the green light flashing at the back of my bald head!!! ;)

Re. Inner ear, I use sennheiser CX300s and they're excellent for flying etc., but if you're out and about walking or running, all you can hear is the pounding of your footsteps, hence my interest in a pair of over ear ones too.

I've ordered the Koss ones so we'll see how they are...looks like they'd be nice and portable too

02-02-2011, 13:09
Here's (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showpost.php?p=165818&postcount=14) how to improve them. :)

Cheers Andy, I'll see how I get on with the standard ones first, as I have rather small lugs...:)

02-02-2011, 13:20
Re. Inner ear, I use sennheiser CX300s and they're excellent for flying

Bloody hell, you can fly - is there no end to your talents! ;)

They're very much love 'em or hete 'em I think, but my favourite portable 'phones are Grado's igrado - a "neckband" over ear thingy (sorry for getting too technical) design which is good for moving around with (not tried flying, I'm not aerodynamic enough) - though they do get uncomfortable after a few hours. For me, the best sounding portables I've found so far - but they do leak to the outside world.

02-02-2011, 14:16
Bloody hell, you can fly - is there no end to your talents! ;)

...or start for that matter!!! :lol:

When I say fly...perhaps it would be better put as plummet :eyebrows:

Either way you can't hear the rushing air with the CX300s, ideal for the audio loving sky diver...:)

I find that ordinary over ear types get drowned out by the jet engines whilst 'travelling as a passenger on one of those new new fangled iron birds'...;)

02-02-2011, 15:07
Actually, my second favourite pair of 'phones would be perfect for the old iron bird (or train, for Ashmore's benefit, but probably too conspicuous for his requirements, hence why I didn't mention them) - Goldring NS1000 (http://www.amazon.co.uk/GOLDRING-NS1000-CANCELLING-PORTABLE-HEADPHONES/dp/B0014XWP9G/ref=sr_1_cc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296659077&sr=1-1-catcorr) - they also hardly leak, and with the noise cancellation I can wear them in the living room whilst Mrs Alex is watching Corronenders (:rolleyes:) without either of us disturbing the other - something which can't be said for my main home 'phones - the Grado SR60s which leak like a leaky thing on leaky Wednesday in leaky town (you get the idea...)

02-02-2011, 18:01
I have a A series walkman which came with noise cancelling headphones.
Im not impressed and i replaced with Senheiser cx300. Very flimsy and the lead picks up rubbing sounds but the sound is very good for the price.

I got a surprise in the Apple store trying the demo cans. Tried the B&W s, the Monster beats , the Sennheiser px200 and the Sennheiser HD-25s.
The Sennheiser HD-25s are meant to be DJ monitors but they had far more life,volume and detail than any of the others.

02-02-2011, 21:55
Being impetuous (and possibly a bit of a twit) I just bought a pair of Sennheiser PXC 310s off ebay.

Yes yes I know it's wrong and I'm supposed to learn all about the different types and then audition for hours and hours and hours before making a decision...

My cool new phone arrives tomorrow (HTC Desire thingymajig) and I'm going to get myself all tooled up with Spotify premium for the train.

I'm not sad really... am I? (this is rhetorical)

03-02-2011, 08:55
Being impetuous (and possibly a bit of a twit) I just bought a pair of Sennheiser PXC 310s off ebay.

Yes yes I know it's wrong and I'm supposed to learn all about the different types and then audition for hours and hours and hours before making a decision...

My cool new phone arrives tomorrow (HTC Desire thingymajig) and I'm going to get myself all tooled up with Spotify premium for the train.

I'm not sad really... am I? (this is rhetorical)

At the end of the day they're only walkman headphones, anything under £20 isn't much of a gamble...:)

If it's an HTC Desire (by thingy I presume HD or Z, I have the standard one), then get Winamp off the android market, free download...it works very well, better than the standard android music player, and can synchronise with the latest desktop player...although there's no FLAC support as yet ;)

P.S. Get yourself a 16Gb card before you get it configured, it'll make life easier in the long run particularly if you're going to listen to mp3s on it.

03-02-2011, 10:15
Thanks Wad, mmm £20...

It's just the standard Desire. The HD version looked a bit ostentatious...

Yeah I've got myself a cheapo 32 gig card off ebay (Sandisk though, good make).

I'll definitely investigate the winamp. Thanks for the recommendation.

03-02-2011, 10:21
Yeah I've got myself a cheapo 32 gig card off ebay (Sandisk though, good make).

Not saying yours will be - but just a note to everyone out there to be very careful - there can be a lot of fake memory cards on ebay, in some cases even the seller doesn't realise! Had a guy at work scratching his head 'cos he'd bought a card that whilst being labelled and packaged as a 32GB, he could only find 8GB odd when he looked at it through file explorer... It was a very good fake, but (apart from being 1/4 the stated capacity!) you could tell the packaging wasn't printed quite as professionally as SanDisk genuine ones.

Caveat Emptor, as always, on fleeceBay!

03-02-2011, 10:25
How about some of these for the cold winter mornings? :lol:

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41FFnXbvIOL._AA300_.jpg (http://www.amazon.co.uk/KitSound-Quilted-Music-Muffs-iPhone/dp/B0046EDNX2/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1296728511&sr=1-1)

Only a tenner, or you can get knitted ones (http://www.amazon.co.uk/KitSound-MUFKWHK-Audio-Earmuffs-headphone/dp/B00365EIBI/ref=pd_sim_ce_3) if these aren't stylish enough for ya! ;)

03-02-2011, 11:07
Thanks Wad, mmm £20...

It's just the standard Desire. The HD version looked a bit ostentatious...

Yeah I've got myself a cheapo 32 gig card off ebay (Sandisk though, good make).

I'll definitely investigate the winamp. Thanks for the recommendation.

The standard desire is excellent IMHO, the HD has the same CPU & RAM but gobbles up the power more due to it's screen, and it's just a bit too big form me...

Winamp is still 'beta' but it's rock solid, I can see them becoming the leaders in Android players, gapless and FLAC are on their way

The 32gig cards are now down to £57 on Amazon, they were £90 in December so they are becoming a viable option, at £16 the 16gig one is still the best value... :)

03-02-2011, 21:09
Yeah I got the memory off amazon.

Alex, I love 'em but they just ain't my colour ...

Ali Tait
03-02-2011, 21:25
The standard desire is excellent IMHO, the HD has the same CPU & RAM but gobbles up the power more due to it's screen, and it's just a bit too big form me...

Winamp is still 'beta' but it's rock solid, I can see them becoming the leaders in Android players, gapless and FLAC are on their way

The 32gig cards are now down to £57 on Amazon, they were £90 in December so they are becoming a viable option, at £16 the 16gig one is still the best value... :)

Do you know when FLAC will be playable on the Desire Will?

04-02-2011, 09:41
I was about to answer I don't know, but a quick google of android and flac gave me this ;


...worth a look, a few flac options ;)

FLAC on winamp would be excellent as it has wi-fi syncing capabilities with the PC app...still to come I hope :)

Now then time to look for a bigger SD card :doh:

This apps business is moving very fast, there was nothing before Christmas

Edit; Look at this 24/96 FLAC (although not free!)


Now then time to look for an even bigger SD card :doh::doh:

I'll report back after a bit of a play...

EDIT; I'll start a separate thread on FLAC players for Android, perhaps we can get some other experiences in

05-02-2011, 12:59
Another vote for the Portapros.

Arrived this morning...perfect timing as yesterday I found a nice FLAC player for my android phone.

Top tip Andy, very portable (fold up into a pocket sized bag), lovely sound (plenty of bass), and a perfect fit for my baldy head, I can even wear them under a hat!!!! :)

08-02-2011, 08:39
Well I'm all tooled up with the by 310s, HTCDesire and spotify and I'm happy to report it all works superbly. The 'phones are very comfortable, sound is good and the Bluetooth connection is stable save for the very occasional blip. As for spotify on the mobile - I can't fault it. It's difficult to rate the audio quality in absolute terms (although I think it is very good), but for a easy and convenient mobile solution it's great.

08-02-2011, 16:06
Well I'm all tooled up with the by 310s, HTCDesire and spotify and I'm happy to report it all works superbly. The 'phones are very comfortable, sound is good and the Bluetooth connection is stable save for the very occasional blip. As for spotify on the mobile - I can't fault it. It's difficult to rate the audio quality in absolute terms (although I think it is very good), but for a easy and convenient mobile solution it's great.

Hi Simon,

Try FLAC and powerAMP, I'm sure you'lll find it better than spottyfry...;)