View Full Version : My new deck: Inspire Apollo

28-01-2011, 11:36
I’ve just upgraded my Linn Axis/Basik/K9 deck with an Inspire Apollo, with a Roksan Nima arm and an AT-0C5MC. The difference is amazing. Far better timing and dynamics; somehow my LPs have fewer scratches(!). The Squeezebox and CD/Caiman+Gato haven’t been turned on since I got it.

I have no connection with Inspire Audio BTW.

Theirs is a small company based on the site of a colliery regeneration scheme at Markham Vale, nr Chesterfield. Besides making 3 turntables (the I2 - basically a Rega planar, the Apollo and Eclipse - the last two having 5 star rave reviews), they also do very competitive upgrades to Sondeks and think the Technics DD decks are superb and do their own mods on these as well. They take part-exchanges.

Niggles are few: The arm, being a unipivot is a bit fiddly to set up (but I enjoy that kind of fettling). One problem is that in order to get the arm parallel, the arm has to be pressed down so much that the exit cable presses against the secondary plinth. I wrote to Robert Sherwood last night and got a reply at 11pm that he would send me some packing washers to raise the plinth a few mm. Good Service! The mains cable and arm cable are a little unsightly but soon forgotten about; the on/off switch takes a bit of getting used to and I find mysely automatically going to the position that it was on the Axis. As you can see that’s all I have to criticise about - the most important thing -the sound is just wonderful and better than any Linn decks (with mods) that I’ve heard. Thoroughly recommended.

In these days of austerity etc it’s good to see a new UK company taking on the mass-produced guys.

They do a PSU additional unit. I would be very pleased to hear from anyone who has one as to whether it improves the SQ. Thanks.

On another issue/thread, is it possible for the many cognoscenti on this excellent forum to place a new sticky on the cleaning of LPs?

Contact details:
Inspire Hi-FI
Unit 11
Markham Vale Environmental Centre
S44 5HY

Best wishes,


28-01-2011, 19:23
Hi Richard,

I may be wrong, but the psu looks rather like the Heed Orbit, in which case it will make a big difference, I use one on my LP12 and Townshend Rock to great effect.


28-01-2011, 19:52
Bonky, we need some pics mate?

28-01-2011, 21:11
Bonky, we need some pics mate?

Hi yes, I hoped that the web url would supply those, but I can easily take pics of my set-up (loading them onto the AoS website may seem a bit more difficult, but, if necessary I'll see what I can do)

Anyone want to take me up on the idea of a 'sticky' on LP cleaning?



Ali Tait
28-01-2011, 21:15
Yes the URL does, but it's not the same as seeing it in your own system. Use Imageshack or similar.

Reid Malenfant
28-01-2011, 21:16
Hi yes, I hoped that the web url would supply those, but I can easily take pics of my set-up (loading them onto the AoS website may seem a bit more difficult, but, if necessary I'll see what I can do)
Hi Rich, don't do that, do this! Much bigger pics & more detailed & it's free (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2) ;)

ATB, have a good weekend :)

28-01-2011, 21:20
We don't need a sticky on LP cleaning, just send them to Marco, he is top notch at cleaning.

28-01-2011, 21:25
Hi Rich, don't do that, do this! Much bigger pics & more detailed & it's free (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2) ;)

ATB, have a good weekend :)

I now have over 3000 photos on the bucket!

Ali Tait
28-01-2011, 21:42
Yeah, trouble is, they disappear after a while.

Reid Malenfant
28-01-2011, 21:47
Yeah, trouble is, they disappear after a while.
Is that right Ali?

Do you know why? I haven't deleted any of mine so i hope they are still there, all are linked to this site :scratch:

ATB & i hope you have a good weekend fella :cool:

28-01-2011, 21:47
If you go Pro they don't, it costs about £20

Reid Malenfant
28-01-2011, 21:53
If you go Pro they don't, it costs about £20
Ah.... :lol:

Makes sense, storage isn't free after all...

Is that per year or a permanent thing?

I don't need to upload that many pics, but for those that might your answer might well be enlightening ;)

28-01-2011, 22:01
Its once a year I think. I could not function without it as my e-bay listings all have bucket pics in them.

Ali Tait
28-01-2011, 22:08
Is that right Ali?

Do you know why? I haven't deleted any of mine so i hope they are still there, all are linked to this site :scratch:

ATB & i hope you have a good weekend fella :cool:

Hi mate,hope you have a good weekend too.At least I don't have to worry about getting up for work on Monday! Yes I'm sure you've seen old posts on forums where the photos have been deleted. Subsequent posts to my earlier have answered the question though. :)

Reid Malenfant
28-01-2011, 22:15
Perhaps i'm naive, but i thought that was down to members deleting images from their accounts, could be a bit of both though at the end of the day :)

Ali Tait
28-01-2011, 22:34
Bloody hell, I never thought of that! Aye maybe so.

29-01-2011, 11:45
OK. Here goes. I hope you'll find 5 pics of my set-up with emphasis on the Apollo deck.








29-01-2011, 17:51
Lovely looking deck , Richard and a lovely system , i love your speaker's:)
out of my price range at the moment ' but one day maybe .

Where did you get the OBX's from ? not Kevin from Nottingham by any chance .

Rare Bird
29-01-2011, 18:06
I like Living Voice speakers, i heard a pair at the last pork pie show, actually one of the best sounding that day.

29-01-2011, 18:08
Lovely looking deck , Richard and a lovely system , i love your speaker's:)
out of my price range at the moment ' but one day maybe .

Where did you get the OBX's from ? not Kevin from Nottingham by any chance .

Hi, yes, how did you guess?



29-01-2011, 18:28
:)Well you live in Sheffield , and i suppose Nottingham is not too far away , i know Kevin ' he's got some amazing kit and always puts on a superb dem .

Have seen or heard his Oyimpian's , Paul, a friend of mine and one of Kevin's main customer's , told me they were the best he's ever heard ! though at 190K they damn well should be i suppose .

Would love to go and hear them though or even the OBXR's ,good enough for me :)

29-01-2011, 18:36
:)Well you live in Sheffield , and i suppose Nottingham is not too far away , i know Kevin ' he's got some amazing kit and always puts on a superb dem .

Have seen or heard his Oyimpian's , Paul, a friend of mine and one of Kevin's main customer's , told me they were the best he's ever heard ! though at 190K they damn well should be i suppose .

Would love to go and hear them though or even the OBXR's ,good enough for me :)

Hi, I saw the Olympians but did not hear them. Apparently he sells these mostly to yacht owners (can you imagine the size of the yacht 'reclining room'?). I'm more than pleased with my LV speakers.

Markham Vale (Where I purchased my new deck) is even closer than Nottingham. I like to support the locals... (but not the football or rugby).



How's the Hookie down in Banbury? (My brother lives in Bloxham)

29-01-2011, 19:13
How's the Hookie down in Banbury? (My brother lives in Bloxham)

Bloody lovely , one of my fave pint's :cool:

29-01-2011, 21:27
It looks smashing apart from....................................

That kettle lead, surely the deck deserves something a bit better....:)

31-01-2011, 14:35
One more small niggle I forgot to mention is to do with the Roksan Nima arm - it has no 'clamp' on the rest - so it's very easy to knock the arm off its perch.


31-01-2011, 22:43
I had a Radius 5 for a shortish while , couldn't get on with the Nima ' but it did sound good , Techie's better though .