View Full Version : Stripping paint from rubber

Rare Bird
12-01-2011, 13:47
To remove paint from Plastic i've always used Car brake fluid but left it applied to the plastic as little time as possible, i used to do this a lot when i used to be into model Railways & used to modify the shop bought railway engine plastic bodies with more detail to scale detail drawings of the real thing before re-spray.

As for paint on rubber has anyone ever tried brake fluid for this, i ask as i'm trying to remove black spray from the top of some Bass unit baskets, the paint has gone onto the rubber surround aswell! it's only a thin matt black by the looks of it & probably would come off with some 'T' cut or summert simular! it's not all over the rubber just around the edge that fixed to the basket frame.

12-01-2011, 13:54
If it is spray paint it might be cellulose based and thinners would remove it?

Rare Bird
12-01-2011, 14:10
I thought about thinners but ws worried it may damage the rubber!

12-01-2011, 14:12
I use it a pre-coital lubricant.............but then I do have 17 children?!

12-01-2011, 14:24
Your posh, I use spit.

Rare Bird
12-01-2011, 14:27
TMI :lolsign: