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View Full Version : Now I'm Worried

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
01-08-2008, 03:41
Getting on towards to the back half of my last night shift. As some of you know I run a Hydrogen Plant - on my own as a loan worker, I have no mates :) (Hydrogen highly volatile stuff indead). This stuff ignites very easily.
In the last 2 hours the weather has changed and it's absolutely chucking it down, but more disconcertainly it is thunder and lightening right above where I work, sheet lightening overhead. My pulse rate has gone up and it is a very exillerating feeling too. As the consumate chicken I am though I need to go outside, The boss has 2 Hopes of that happening;

Bob Hope
No Hope

I'm staying put. Though I have got the emergency plant shutdown procedure out just in case.

Andy - SDDW or as you may now call me - Shit Scared Chicken :smoking: Not

Sometime Later;

Well it looks like I survived the multiple lightening strikes, with the exception that I now have Black curly hair a slightly darker skin tone (the burnt crisp effect) and a Turretts syndrome type facial twitch. So nothing much new there then eh :eyebrows:


01-08-2008, 07:07
Andy, it's not the lightening you've got to watch out for, it's the fog, man, you don't know what out there in the dark, in the fog... :dummy: :sofa:


01-08-2008, 09:23
I used to suffer from Turret's syndrome. The office I work in until 12.00noon today, (WHEN I LEAVE FOR GOOD!!!) is Turret House, Portsmouth Rd, Guildford.

I think you may mean Tourettes, but I know FFffffu*k, fffffffff*ck all abbbboutt itttt ,tic, tic

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
01-08-2008, 15:04
I used to suffer from Turret's syndrome. The office I work in until 12.00noon today, (WHEN I LEAVE FOR GOOD!!!) is Turret House, Portsmouth Rd, Guildford.

I think you may mean Tourettes, but I know FFffffu*k, fffffffff*ck all abbbboutt itttt ,tic, tic

Hi Puffin
You are absolutely correct, in my defence I am only barely literate, kant speel very well and it takes a lot for me to string sentence together. :)

Marco - As for the fog - they know you are out there all alone, and they know you are afraid.

Andy - SDDW

03-08-2008, 19:55
Hmmm, Tourettes; unfortunately I suffer from that. Some of you know what I do for a living and to be sure my business car is very identifiable. The other day, responding to a call I parked in the only space I could find; a Disabled Drivers slot. As I got out the car, some prat came up to me and said, "So what's your disability?" "Tourettes" I repied, "Now F##k Off" :lol:

03-08-2008, 20:10

04-08-2008, 08:33
Hmmm, Tourettes; unfortunately I suffer from that. Some of you know what I do for a living and to be sure my business car is very identifiable. The other day, responding to a call I parked in the only space I could find; a Disabled Drivers slot. As I got out the car, some prat came up to me and said, "So what's your disability?" "Tourettes" I repied, "Now F##k Off" :lol:

F*cking hilarious, PC Plod! :lolsign:
