View Full Version : Scariest movie ever!

Reid Malenfant
01-01-2011, 21:00
Anyone seen "Trinity & Beyond" The atomic bomb movie :eek:

I had no idea how many atmospheric tests the yanks & russians set off, be prepared to be real scared :eek:

01-01-2011, 21:15
Thanks for pointing that out. I love a good doc. My old man worked on nuclear subs and i joined him for the first 4 years of my working life. I used to think the protestors at Faslane wre just a bunch of angry lesbians and didnt have a clue. Funny how your head works when your brought up in a forces family and a dockyard town. :rolleyes:

01-01-2011, 21:25
The British government film that was banned for years - can't remember its title - was a pretty sobering document.

Perhaps its time to revisit these warnings seeing as North Korea and its crazed leadership seems to be ready and willing to use nuclear weapons.

Rare Bird
01-01-2011, 21:28
Farenheit 451 :lolsign:

Reid Malenfant
01-01-2011, 21:39
Farenheit 451 :lolsign:
That's a good movie, Julie Christie (i love it to) but it's not scary compared to a 60Megaton nuclear device being popped :eyebrows:

I like the book thing, think i'll have to remember one ;)

Spectral Morn
01-01-2011, 22:50
Rosemary's Baby :eek:

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
01-01-2011, 22:52
That's a good movie, Julie Christie (i love it to) but it's not scary compared to a 60Megaton nuclear device being popped :eyebrows:

I like the book thing, think i'll have to remember one ;)

Ok then as were on J.Christie 'Demon Seed', Proteus Child.. :)

Mr Pig
02-01-2011, 23:01
Anyone read the Isaac Asimov short story 'silly asses'?

Jac Hawk
02-01-2011, 23:10
Ok guy's it's an oldie but a movie called Hill House was about the scariest i've seen, it was a black&white which adds to the atmos IMHO, and there was no special effects like movies of today, what it did though was get the suspense going and let your mind fill in the blanks, which in my opinion is far scarier than anything visual.

Reid Malenfant
02-01-2011, 23:12
Anyone read the Isaac Asimov short story 'silly asses'?
I'm a pretty big Asimov fan but i can't remember that one right now, which book was it in?

Mr Pig
02-01-2011, 23:15
I'm a pretty big Asimov fan, which book was it in?

It was in a collection of short stories, I can't remember what the collection was called. It was a very short story!

Reid Malenfant
02-01-2011, 23:16
:lolsign: He did a few, what was the basic story about? It might trigger my memory ;)

Mr Pig
02-01-2011, 23:27
what was the basic story about?

The whole story was set in some intergalactic council far off in the galaxy somewhere. A bod rushes in and announces that a new planet has discovered nuclear fusion! Earth of course.

It turns out that this is what they consider to be a sign that a civilisation has reached the point where they are ready to be invited into the intergalactic community. The council leaders eagerly read over the application as they discuss contacting Earth and the great things that now lie before her people.

One of the leader ask how they managed to conduct the tests when it appears that they have not managed space flight? The bod says 'Oh no, they've not conducted the tests in space. They've done it on their own planet'.

As the leader rips up the application he says 'Silly asses'.

It's something like that, I read it about thirty years ago ;0)

02-01-2011, 23:56
I've read that, but also could not remember which one it's from:
wiki tells us:

Silly Asses is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. It was published in the February 1958 issue of Future[1], after having been twice rejected by other outlets. It was subsequently included in the collections Have You Seen These? in 1974[2] and Buy Jupiter and Other Stories in 1975. It runs to less than two pages in paperback.

Mr Pig
03-01-2011, 01:23
Anyway, it's not a case of if man destroys himself, it's when. Everybody knows that. We just don't like it.

03-01-2011, 05:19
My vote is for the Exorcist uncut: The only way that movie could be scaryer is if Barbra Strisand did a nude sene.

03-01-2011, 09:48
You have to go a long way to make anything scarier than the Child Catcher scene in Chitty Chitty Bang Babg as far as I'm concerned... :eek:

03-01-2011, 11:51
I find most 'horror' films rather dull, particularly the slash films, I think seeing the original Exorcist at the age of 13 was a bit nerve racking...

The one that's made my hands sweat most recently is 'The Hurt Locker', very tense particularly with a projector and 5.1 DTS...the claustrophobia conveyed by the shots from within his protective helmet are particularly effective :eyebrows:

03-01-2011, 12:16
The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre still does it for me! :)

I don't know about anyone else, but I find horror films where the worst scenes are set during the day, rather than at night, infinitely more scary...

I think it's because darkness is always associated with evil, and the opposite for daylight, so when someone gets mutilated in broad daylight, it always seems more horrific, as it's not really expected, if you get me.....

For example, apart from TCM above, I love the chainsaw scene in Scarface! :eek:


03-01-2011, 12:38
I think it's because darkness is always associated with evil, and the opposite for daylight, so when someone gets mutilated in broad daylight, it always seems more horrific, as it's not really expected, if you get me.....


Like the wrist slashing scene in the bright white bathroom in Event Horizon.... shudder

Spectral Morn
03-01-2011, 13:14
The original black and white version of The Haunting :eek:...now that's a scary movie imho.


Also The Others is very scary in places....


both movies rely on mood, lighting and sound effects rather than core to get their frights in....

Regards D S D L

Spectral Morn
03-01-2011, 13:18
Like the wrist slashing scene in the bright white bathroom in Event Horizon.... shudder

Interesting film with a very good soundtrack...ultimately flawed but I like the HP Lovecraft aspects to the story....

Regards D S D L

03-01-2011, 13:27
The original Night of The Demon with Dana Andrews - some really creept moments and a great story idea.

In The Dead Of Night - short stories made by Ealing linked together by the tale of a man with a serious deja-vu problem - the last one about a ventriliquist's dummy is unsettling to say the least

Quatermass And The Pit - proper iconic scary especially the scenes on the old abandoned tube station - I think the weird colour process they used adds to the creepiness - if you want to give your pre-teen kids nightmares this is the one to show 'em!

03-01-2011, 13:32
I have to agree with some here, "The Exoricist"
seeing that film at the age of 18 was bad enough, if i had seen it at thirteen i dont think i would ever have gone near a female again :lol: another film i seem to recall was THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, it wasnt so much a horror story but it was very desturbing for me at the time!


Spectral Morn
03-01-2011, 13:46
The original Night of The Demon with Dana Andrews - some really creept moments and a great story idea.

In The Dead Of Night - short stories made by Ealing linked together by the tale of a man with a serious deja-vu problem - the last one about a ventriliquist's dummy is unsettling to say the least

Quatermass And The Pit - proper iconic scary especially the scenes on the old abandoned tube station - I think the weird colour process they used adds to the creepiness - if you want to give your pre-teen kids nightmares this is the one to show 'em!

All three are good films..... The rather crappy Demon in Night of the Demon ruins an otherwise excellent film.....its being pulled along on rails ruins the scare factor :lol::lol::lol::lol: Better to have left it as maybe smoke, a shadow or invisible imho.

I love the Quatermass films.... Hammer did a great job on transferring these stories to the big screen from the BBC. The Pit is without any doubt the best of the three from a visual point of view but for me the first is the best...pure HP Lovecraft. Brilliant monster as well..makes The Demon in Night of the Demon look really rubbish...and yet the Quatermass Xperiment creature cost less to make....its a hand puppet.


Regards D S D L

03-01-2011, 13:54
but for me the first is the best...pure HP Lovecraft. Brilliant monster as well..makes The Demon in Night of the Demon look really rubbish...and yet the Quatermass Xperiment creature cost less to make....its a hand puppet.

Regards D S D L

That's the one where he is slowly turning into a plant monster? - yeah I saw it when I was six years old and it properly freaked me out - my old man was into his sci-fi so there was never any parental control when it came to 'not suitable for young children'.

Spectral Morn
03-01-2011, 13:56
That's the one where he is slowly turning into a plant monster? - yeah I saw it when I was six years old and it properly freaked me out - my old man was into his sci-fi so there was never any parental control when it came to 'not suitable for young children'.

Thats the one....its a hybrid of Human (Victor Carroo and his two astronaut colleges) several animals and a cactus.....:eek:

Regards D S D L

Spectral Morn
03-01-2011, 13:59
Heres a link to part one on Daily Motion...enjoy


Regards D S D L

Mr Pig
03-01-2011, 14:02
Night Of The Lepus

Never look at rabbits the same way again! LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xulXFB3-A3c)

03-01-2011, 15:38
Hahahaha.... That's bloody hilarious!!! :lol: :D


03-01-2011, 16:18
what about this one?

03-01-2011, 16:30
"Get ready for the Violence of the Lambs"....

Quality! :lolsign:


03-01-2011, 16:48
I can't find a clip on youtube, but you need to see a film called Cutting Moments,
it's a series of short stories each more messed up than the last, one involves a man having an argument with a bowl of oatmeal and then trying to build a woman out of meat from the butchers, and my personal favourite is simply called 'Crack Dog'

Mr Pig
03-01-2011, 17:32
Hahahaha.... That's bloody hilarious!!!

It's so bad it's...no, it's just bad actually.

The Blob terrified me when I was a kid! LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhyRpvgm03g&feature=related)

04-01-2011, 15:02
Not scary but 1 movie that freaks me out is Eraserhead. Kind of screws with your mind that film.

Mr Pig
04-01-2011, 15:45
Not scary but 1 movie that freaks me out is Eraserhead.

Yip, that is one f***** up film!

07-01-2011, 04:52
Can't get Erasorhead here in the states.
Prices on Amazon are crazy for a DVD.

I'll find a copy some day.

07-01-2011, 05:45
"Can't get Erasorhead here in the states."

Netflix have it, if you are a subscriber.

Mr Pig
07-01-2011, 16:24
Can't get Erasorhead here in the states.

Why would you want to?

07-01-2011, 18:39
Why would you want to?

Because it is the finest surrealistic film to have been made since Buñuel's 'Un Chien Andalou'.

Mr Pig
07-01-2011, 19:47
Because it is the finest surrealistic film to have been made since Buñuel's 'Un Chien Andalou'.

What is fine about being made to feel uneasy for weeks? ;0)

07-01-2011, 22:37
I guess it is a testament to how good the film making is is if it makes you feel weird'ed out for days. I personally don't ever want to watch it again, utterly depressing.

'The Road' is another stunning film but sad and bleak. It is close to what would be real in such a world without the usual Hollywood glitz and sheen. 1 particular scene was cut from the film because of its nature and 1 scene still really sticks in my mind. A must watch film but don't expect to be entertained !!

Mr Pig
07-01-2011, 23:29
A must watch film but don't expect to be entertained !!

I don't watch stuff like that. Real life is bleak enough. Although I'd rather watch Eraserhead on a loop than Eastenders!

08-01-2011, 11:38
what about this one?

:lol: oh got to see that ,looks hysterical .