View Full Version : New Years Resolutions

Rare Bird
25-12-2010, 18:41
Whats gonna change for you next year!

1.ration myself to 1 hour per day on the computer, not at all on weekends.

2.Spending no more money on buying Hi-Fi.

3. Looking into a new job. this is the biggest problem for me & the reason i don't bother with Christmas, you can guarentee myself & the wife have to work all Christmas every year.Having to go into work today & not going home till Monday night is shit, i cannot booze over the period or eat the food i want to eat. thb honest i hate working where i work.

So they are mine what's yours.

Reid Malenfant
25-12-2010, 18:46
None :eyebrows: The more things change the more they stay the same at the end of the day ;)

I just want to have a good time & get things done, but i'm not going to resolve to do it :) Whatever happens happens :scratch:

Good luck on the job front Andr'e :)

25-12-2010, 20:33
Hopefully, to get a job that stabilises my income.

To be more tolerant towards (soon to be) teenage son who drives me MAAAAAAAD!!!!!

25-12-2010, 20:59
I really must try and loose some weight this year coming as i don't do so much physical work any more to burn it off, 2XL is getting to tight and i will be pushing 20 stone before long, dead before i'm 50 otherwise,

oh year stop buying more hifi, sell what yer got first

Rare Bird
25-12-2010, 23:52
I really must try and loose some weight this year coming as i don't do so much physical work any more to burn it off, 2XL is getting to tight and i will be pushing 20 stone before long, dead before i'm 50 otherwise,

Tell me abart it, i'm the same..i'm not buying anymore razor heads either, i'll buy CD's instead.. :)

26-12-2010, 09:57
No resolutions here... if something needs doing it needs doing today!

26-12-2010, 10:03
Hi Andre ' that is proper downer ! my job means i don't see enough of my dear wifey :( and its getting her down , so my resolution for this year is to try and improve that , or with the little time i have ' to spend it with her and that probably means less listening to music ' but so be it.