View Full Version : Hello from Monmouthshire

chapter three
22-12-2010, 19:53
Hello everyone,

I've joined today.

My name is Martin, I live in the Monmouthshire countryside and spend my time listening to music of all genres, particularly americana, blues and jazz.

My system currently is:

Pioneer PD-S901 Transport
Beresford Caiman with Maplin Linear Power Supply at 15v (Thanks Stan..)

Eastern Electric M520 with the following valves:
Philips E80f (First Stage)
TJ Full Music 12AU7 (Phase splitters)
EH 6CA7 (Power stage)
JJ GZ34 (Rectifiers)

Living Voice OBX-R2 or Quad ESL57 (depending on my mood)..

Cables are Hitachi interconnects (Jandl specials..)
NVA LS5 speaker cables
Krystal Kable Titan mains lead on my amp

I've also got a Marantz PM-4 amp, an Arcam Alpha CD player with a NOS conversion (first ever Alpha CD) and a Valab dac which I get out occasionally.

I moved house recently so my pc system and squeezebox are still packed away. I'm looking forward to getting that set up after Christmas.



22-12-2010, 19:58
Hello Martin. You're a lucky man having a choice between decent electrostatics and those meaty Living Voice's. Do you (will you?) have both set up in the same room? Very jealous!

Welcome to The Art of Sound. I'm sure you'll like it here. There are plenty of blues and jazz fans here too, not to mention devotees of Americana... what sort of bands do you like? I'm a big fan of American folk music... bluegrass, non-pop country, but it's a broad church :)

chapter three
22-12-2010, 20:56
The LVs are always set up. I get the Quads out occasionally. I haven't really got the room to keep them set up.

Music wise, I'm listening to Gillian Welch a lot at the moment. Also Bobby Bland, Eddie Hinton and Laura Veirs. I've also been playing some Art Pepper, Brian Wilson, Miles Davis and Mozart Horn Concertos by Dennis Brain.

My plans for the system are to get a Gator board from Stan and perhaps look to change my amp some time next year. Perhaps some 300Bs. I spent some time listening to dacs last year. I stuck with the Caiman. I found it difficult to justify the price I'd have to pay for the improvement I heard. I reckon that speakers and amps give more bang for the buck..

The last thing I bought was the linear power supply for the Caiman after reading the thread on here. That has made a significant improvement. For £30 you can't go wrong.

23-12-2010, 11:27
Welcome Martin

Nice speaker's ' those OBX-R2:)