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View Full Version : Moved a speaker less than 1 meter ...

The Vinyl Adventure
18-12-2010, 20:30
... And it killed the hifi
Had a change around recently to get the tv between the hifi

Look at these photos and imagine the speaker and hifi tack swap position so the speaker is next to the wall...


Well that's how I had it and the hifi sounded appalling ... Seriously seriously all to cock... Sound stage all flat and shitty and sat back... Bass and treble had a big gap were the mids used to be ...

Moved it back to how it is in the photo... Magic, hifi sounds bloody noggin bogglinly good again ...

What a difference a meter makes ...

Reid Malenfant
18-12-2010, 20:35
Carlsberg? :oops: :zzz:

A meter you say :eyebrows: Try a few cm as these can make it or break it from what i have found ;)

Nice pic Hamish :)

Spectral Morn
18-12-2010, 20:38
Yes and sometimes a few Cms is all it takes to mess it up.

It depends on the design of the speaker as to how sensitive it will be but all speakers benefit from tight set up i.e spirit level, tape measure and care taken to get all measurements as close to the same as you can.

Floor to top of cabinet, side wall front and back and back wall left and right and the top level as well. All spikes nice and tight and totally stable no rocking in the speaker/stand at all. Its also ideal if the distance from the front of the speaker is the same to the wall behind you or as close to it as you can. My Gallo's are set up that way and it shows when they are even slightly off.

Regards D S D L

The Vinyl Adventure
18-12-2010, 20:41
That what I call a "I can't be arsed to get my fat arse off the sofa and take a real photo photo" :)

Yeah, funnily enough in thier current position I can move them quite a bit - at lease a few inches in either direction and have them toed in to quite a varying degree without any major effect on the sound ... But put the left one nearer the wall and it's a bloody disaster

18-12-2010, 21:04
A few forum members told me take my rack out of between the speakers and that made a big difference with stereo seperation.

18-12-2010, 21:11
A metre is a bloody huge ammount with regard to speaker positioning!

The Vinyl Adventure
18-12-2010, 21:17
So it would seem!
It's the extent it's made a difference that has surprised me ...
Just gotta wait to see Hannahs reaction when she come home tomorrow!

18-12-2010, 22:59
Hamish do you find that the empty bog rolls help portray the true image of the recording when placed under your turntable as supports thus giving it realism

The Grand Wazoo
18-12-2010, 23:35
Any progress on the speaker stands Hamish, mate?

19-12-2010, 10:54
Hi Hamish

If it was me I would consider upgrading the lager to Wife Beater or something similarly premium in nature. I know Carlsberg was endorsed by Terry McCann but that was the 'eighties and things have moved on.

You might also want to consider the step up from Cutters Choice to Golden Virginia - smoother and creamier - although I accept it may not be to everyone's taste. And lose the filters! They remove way too much detail/tar:cool:

19-12-2010, 12:31
Hi Hamish

If it was me I would consider upgrading the lager to Wife Beater or something similarly premium in nature. I know Carlsberg was endorsed by Terry McCann but that was the 'eighties and things have moved on.

You might also want to consider the step up from Cutters Choice to Golden Virginia - smoother and creamier - although I accept it may not be to everyone's taste. And lose the filters! They remove way too much detail/tar:cool:

The new 1.1 upgraded Export version is quite comparable to the original Mandela IMHO, fully ratified in a 'double blind drunk test', and I'd say that the new swan organic filter system improves the overall smoothness and balance of the overall smoking experience, particularly in conjunction with the new lightweight silver skins.

That said, might it have something to do with the big cupboard space where the speaker was originally...or more likely Buddha's not keen on your choice of music...perhaps some early Banco de Gaia might cheer him up a bit :)

The Vinyl Adventure
19-12-2010, 17:14
Not my beer, not my tobacco, not my filters
Not toilet roll tubes - batteries covered in fake wood - not my idea - ask Paul (primalsea)

No news on speaker stands - no money ...


19-12-2010, 18:47
Is the turntable a Pro-Ject, Hamish? I didn't remember you getting a new turntable? :scratch: Maybe I missed a post?

19-12-2010, 19:16
Not my beer, not my tobacco, not my filters

Is this some kind of confession Hamish?...:scratch:

19-12-2010, 19:40
Hamish told me he'd been given this deck (as I was hoping to sell him mine for a modest sum ;)). By the way, I've discovered that the prime cause of the Debut's "character" is the OM3e supplied with the deck. I'm sure an OM20 stylus (or an AT120e complete) wouyld transform the sonics.

The Vinyl Adventure
19-12-2010, 22:21
It is a project debut with a uni pivot arm that Paul Lange made and gave me... Unfortunatly it took a fairly major whack in the post and the arm has been damaged :(