View Full Version : Barry's Birthday

Rare Bird
17-12-2010, 10:27
I can't work out if it's Barry's birthday to day or not but if it is Have a good one Barry

17-12-2010, 11:03
Best wishes from too Barry. Feet up, nice glass of red :)

17-12-2010, 11:16
Barry's up in Wales visiting some friends over Christmas, so probably won't see your messages. If he doesn't, I'll pass them on when I see him :)


17-12-2010, 11:31
Have a great one Barry

17-12-2010, 14:30
Happy Birthday Barry, have a good 'un. :cheers:


17-12-2010, 16:24
Happy Birthday Barry, your past the big one now

Reid Malenfant
17-12-2010, 16:29
Many happy returns of the day Barry :partytime:

17-12-2010, 19:18
Cheers guys.

You did mean me didn't you :rolleyes:

Oh and btw your 6 months early ;)

Reid Malenfant
17-12-2010, 19:22
Only if you happen to have changed your username (http://theartofsound.net/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2010-12-17&e=1&c=1) :eyebrows:

Mines in June to, keeps it nicely out of the way of xmas :lolsign:

17-12-2010, 21:02
June, oh the thought of it has lifted my spirits, after a trip to Norway...I mean Bangor today :(

Spectral Morn
17-12-2010, 21:21
happy Birthday Barry :cool:

Regards D S D L

18-12-2010, 15:51
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your kind Birthday wishes. I drove up to North Wales on Thursday, just in time: it snowed heavily in the evening after I arrived and snowed some more on Friday, my birthday.

There's about 6 - 8" of snow here, on an steep, ungritted, road. We're snowed in and won't be going anywhere. I'm not sure which will get to us first: 'cabin fever' or sheer desperation of me running out of claret or my friend, with whom I'm staying, running out of cigarettes! ;)

Trust the rest of you are not being too inconvenienced by the snow.


18-12-2010, 16:31
You need some of this Barry!


Reid Malenfant
18-12-2010, 17:15
Trust the rest of you are not being too inconvenienced by the snow.

What snow would that be then? :lol: There is a grand total of zero snowflakes here :scratch:

Just went out & did the weekly shopping, i hope you don't run out of stuff your end Barry - best of luck :)

18-12-2010, 17:32
Keep it coming is what I say.
Up at 5, out in the truck pulling the desperate to go to work on to the main roads.
Got nice lil route sorted.
4 wheel drive and a winch is a wonderful thing ;)
Made a few quid over the last few days.

Wot me mercenary :lolsign:

Reid Malenfant
18-12-2010, 17:44
Keep it coming is what I say.
Up at 5, out in the truck pulling the desperate to go to work on to the main roads.
Got nice lil route sorted.
4 wheel drive and a winch is a wonderful thing ;)
Made a few quid over the last few days.

Wot me mercenary :lolsign:
That counjers up images of Homer Simpson & his Mr Plough snow plough business :lol:

18-12-2010, 19:18
Barry,with small delay,happy birthday :cool: