View Full Version : And reason this wouldn't work?

The Vinyl Adventure
12-12-2010, 21:59
I miss having surround sound so...
Changed the living room around today to put the tv between the speakers
Cant really afford a surround amp
I have a blubry player with multi channel out
Take the front channel outs and plug them into te stereo
Take rears and plug them into stereo amp and connect that to rear speakers
Take front channel out and plug it into 1 channel of another amp and connect the centre speaker to it
Adjust levels to taste
Ball ache having to set the volumes each time ... Any other possible issues?

Reid Malenfant
12-12-2010, 22:02
No other possible issues other than a fantastic PITA adjusting volume controls to match :doh:

It'd work, but only as long as you get everything balanced volume wise :eyebrows:

Make sure you set the subwoofer output of whatever playing device (DVD or Blu Ray) to off & any deep bass will be directed to the front left & right speakers ;)

12-12-2010, 22:06
not sure how that would work but don't bother with a centre speaker you will get a better sound stage without it imho

Spectral Morn
12-12-2010, 22:06
I miss having surround sound so...
Changed the living room around today to put the tv between the speakers
Cant really afford a surround amp
I have a blubry player with multi channel out
Take the front channel outs and plug them into te stereo
Take rears and plug them into stereo amp and connect that to rear speakers
Take front channel out and plug it into 1 channel of another amp and connect the centre speaker to it
Adjust levels to taste
Ball ache having to set the volumes each time ... Any other possible issues?

In theory this could work.

If your Blue Ray player has multi channel adjustments (in the set up menu) then you can adjust levels and delays to the different channels. Not having a sub may be an issue.....as explosions etc will lack weight and scale.

Your centre speaker needs the best amplifier (as 70% of what will be going on comes from here) The front speakers are next in terms of need for a good amplifier and the rears can go with the least good. However to be honest just two speakers at the front (run from one good amplifier) may sound better than this possibly Heath Robinson set up.

Regards D S D L

The Vinyl Adventure
12-12-2010, 22:11
I suppose it would be a git ... Shame the blubry doesn't have a volume on the multi channel out ...
... ... To be fair the Adams do a pretty good job by them selves ... I certainly don't need a sub thats for bloody sure ... You should hear the bass on the explosion when the bomb goes off in that foyer scene in the matrix ... Lordy Lordy, it could wake the dead!!

The Vinyl Adventure
12-12-2010, 22:12
Ha, well there we go neil ... I think we just has the same thought :)

Im pretty good at setting levels by ear, I do it for customers in the shop after the auto cal invariably disappoints me...

12-12-2010, 22:12
I think Neil has it just about right ! i say have a go at it and see how you get on:)

Reid Malenfant
12-12-2010, 22:13
Hamish, also make sure that you have the left & right front speakers set to large & you'll be ok :eyebrows: As long as you disable the sub output all the bass will be sent to the left & right front speakers ;)

12-12-2010, 22:24
This is what I do to enjoy the occasional 4.0 quad mix I come across :) Apart from the front/rear level balancing it works fine for me!

12-12-2010, 23:09

I know you didn't want to spend anything but...Grab this little tinker;

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-DSP-E800-AV-PROCESSOR-AMP-BOXED-MANUAL-REMOTE-NR-/130462671158?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Amplifiers&hash=item1e602e6136#ht_500wt_946

or one like it, set the centre across the front 2 channels, then use your high quality stereo for the L, C, & R channels (just set your stereo amp to 12 o'clock and balance as necessary, it has a white noise generator for that purpose), and some lesser speakers for the back driven by the amps on the decoder.

I have a 200W sub but do not use it as it completely unnecessary, and frankly stupidly bassy, 'apocalypse now' would bring the street down!!! As Mark said just put the front 3 channels to full and that's plenty...

I'd much rather my audiolabs were amplifying the most important channels than a cheap yamaha amp.

It works for me anyway...and is superb for any live gigs!!!

The Vinyl Adventure
13-12-2010, 00:31
Inactually have a yam 759, but it's too tall for the rack
I'm now thinking about a marantz 1501 ... But if there is any low profile options anyone else can think of?

Spectral Morn
13-12-2010, 00:31
In its day that was a pretty clever (if I remember right a unique one too, as no one else did anything like it) solution to integrating a two channel hifi and AV. However it is only Dolby Prologic and Dolby Digital no DTS (I think) and has none of the recent sound processing options.

Regards D S D L

13-12-2010, 00:37
got one of these very good sound
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Upgrade-3Pcs-PGA2311-Volume-remote-control-preamplifier-/190479374766?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Amplifiers&hash=item2c597499ae

The Vinyl Adventure
13-12-2010, 01:04
Don't need recent sound processing with multichannel outputs Neil ... The yam has the relevant inputs

13-12-2010, 01:24
Time for a new rack Hamish!!!:)

I know that there're a lot better AV processors out there, but I'm more interested in stereo reproduction, the fact that I can utilise my main stereo as part of my AV system is a bonus, even if it is 4.1 (or actually 4.0 as I don't use the sub).

The sound is still a damned sight better than most cinemas...and that'll do for me

The Vinyl Adventure
13-12-2010, 01:30
If you knew the nonsense conversation I had with the missis today you wouldn't even suggest it... :)

13-12-2010, 01:34
If you knew the nonsense conversation I had with the missis today you wouldn't even suggest it... :)

Ah that puts a different slant on things...good luck mate ;)

13-12-2010, 10:36
In its day that was a pretty clever (if I remember right a unique one too, as no one else did anything like it) solution to integrating a two channel hifi and AV. However it is only Dolby Prologic and Dolby Digital no DTS (I think) and has none of the recent sound processing options.

Regards D S D L

It does do DTS, and Dolby Digital, but only 5.1...

I've actually found a use for the original old Bose Acoustimass MS1s I bought very cheaply in the states 20 years ago (I was young and easily impressed). They may be bollocks for stereo but they are very good as rear surrounds, as one can simulate 7.1 with them, by pointing the cubes in different directions.

I presume one can bypass the front amps on most AV processors theses days, is that the case in your experience? otherwise there's a gap in the market.