View Full Version : New Curentcy idea

08-12-2010, 04:19
I had an Idea,the only way truly civilized nations can improve there econimic lot.
Capitalisum works well when people temper it with charity and keep limits on there greed both moraly and ethicly.
For some reason Big U.S. companys bought so much power and influence in our political system they where able to loot both us and the world useing Gat and Nafta.

To bad instead of reciveing 30 billion doller bonuses and laying off 30,000 workers the civic pride of helping there nation by employing there fellow countrymen.Instead of sucking up billions to spend on a $75,000 trash can for there office.
What if the value of a company was decerned by it's ability to both provide a product or service but also it's fair treatment of it's employees and support of there nation, If each buisness becomes a pillor of it's nation instead of looking to rape the nation and open off shore accounts to hide there booty the world would not be in this mess.
I would love to see the Homes in the Hamtons torn down and 3 bedroom condominiums put in there places. No single family or couple really needs to own a home worth more than the GDP of some small countrys.

Doing well should be good enough for anyone,gross wealth for the sake of power is a horrable achivement.

I hate socalisim and comunisim,the government should not be the answer,civic pride and national pride and human concern should be a form of curentcy.
Good jobs and low taxes create a strong econamy,when people have money they put it back into the community.
If we keep allowing bankers,and wall street to take money from the government-borrowed from China then give them selves 30 billion doller bonuses the U.S. will collapse in 1 year or so takeing the rest of the world down with us.
Also printing money to give to banks will devalue the doller and bring massive inflation,didn't Ben Bernacky ever hear of the Wimar republic. Mabey we will repay China in much the same way the Germans repaid France.
Will probably print 14 Trillion dollers and repay with worthless paper,It will cause global melt down and a loaf of bread in the U.S. will cost $500.00.

Also if world trade is going to work there should be a global set of standards to keep countrys from tradeing if they utilize child labor,slave labor ect...
This will keep all countrys on a simaler standerd of production costs and aid human dignity.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14029594/ Got a 130 million?

What are your thoughts?
Let's brain storm because what we are all doing is failing miserably.