View Full Version : Get rich quick

Dave Hewitt
29-11-2010, 14:07
Hi,I have been looking at various auction sites and forums recently and there seems to be a get rich quick culture appearing where items are purchased off fellow forum members and quickly sold off at vast profit,in my oppinion this practice stinks, if I got something cheap I would sooner pass it on at the same price or cheaper or even give it away to someone who could make use of it.Has anyone else noticed this practice?

29-11-2010, 14:19
I certainly have, and yes it's wrong. there was something like this on wigwam last night.
they seem to have pulled that post though.
Maybe they don't want this practice highlighted.
Conspiracy me thinks :eyebrows:

29-11-2010, 17:10
I have only sold a few items to AoS members. These were offered at an attractive price (half the going rate) as I'm not interested in making a fast buck from members here; I regard this forum as a sort of gentleman's club where "one does not do that sort of thing".

I have had an occasion where a registered member, but one who had yet to introduce himself to the forum, enquired about some tweeters I was selling cheaply. I asked him to introduce himself, which he did, sold him the tweeters and suggested he might like to report back and tell the forum how he got on with them. I'm still waiting.........!

Were I to find anything I had sold to a fellow member appeared for sale almost immediately and at a markedly higher price, suggesting opportunism and exploitation of the good nature of this forum, I would certainly do something about it by reporting the incident to the Moderators for their consideration.

29-11-2010, 17:15
there was something like this on wigwam last night.

It certainly caused a few choice remarks thats for sure,

Its a bit like the old knocker boys doing over old ladies for thier worthless tatt, we all like a bargain but some people have no scrupals

29-11-2010, 18:07
It certainly caused a few choice remarks thats for sure,

Its a bit like the old knocker boys doing over old ladies for thier worthless tatt, we all like a bargain but some people have no scrupals

Quite, I recently got some speakers from Steve (Aquapiranha) "sorry bout the speeling",.

I have put them back on this forum for what they cost me, nil.

If I wanted to be a total git, they would be on Ebay for £60.

But I have scruples, and would not be hard faced enough to post on this forum again. Not unless I fancied a verbal beating, that is.

People like that, make me sick. :steam:

Norbert Colon
30-11-2010, 09:11
I saw all that kafuffle on the Wigwam. I thought I was tight as a gnat’s chuff, but this mr Bonneville really takes the biscuit.

From what I read, these amps were clearly offered for the pleasure of a fellow Wammer & “not for resale on ebay”.

Handsome profit too. Given for £100 & sold for £666

Still, we don’t know how much the good mr B spent on fixing them? That could have been a few hundred, couldn't it?


Dave Hewitt
30-11-2010, 11:18
Hi Norbert and wellcome here.Must ask first if you have a brother by the name of Putsum? Also regarding the gear you have highlited on the wam I'm the sucker who fixed them for nowt,now that takes the biscuit.
Disheartened Dave.

Norbert Colon
30-11-2010, 11:46
Hi Norbert and wellcome here.Must ask first if you have a brother by the name of Putsum? Also regarding the gear you have highlited on the wam I'm the sucker who fixed them for nowt,now that takes the biscuit.
Disheartened Dave.

Hello David

You say you fixed these amplifiers for FREE? Are you quite sure they were these?


"Hopefully, theywill find a good home and not make a swift re-appearance on Ebay".

"I dont want to make stacks of cash out of Wammers!!!"

"NOW SOLD TO BONNEVILLE. A fellow wammer."


Dynatron LS15/LS16
Valve Monoblock Power Amplifiers

Mullard EL84s, EZ81, ECC83.
Perfect working order, a rare & pretty little pair of power amplifiers.
They come complete with Interconnects and power cables. There have been some new capacitors fitted, but are very original; please study all pictures


Sold for £666.66

Who is this mr Bonneville? I must consult him on his miserly ways, I thought I knew every trick in the book :eyebrows:

Speaking of biscuits, it appears the hapless victim treated mr Bonneville to tea & buiscuits, even sent his lady wife out to search for him. One can but hope he wasn't duped into tucking said wife up in bed with mr Bonneville, this man would clearly Screw anything! :eek:


30-11-2010, 16:59
"A gentlemen club" (?)

Come on guys. We are living in a capitalist culture and that´s the way it is.

30-11-2010, 17:17
This happened to me on PFM.

I acquired a pair of Heybrook Sextet floorstanders as part of job lot of gear. They're well built speakers in a lovely deep wood finish - very handsome looking units - but the guy had stored them in his garage and as a consequence the tops/bottoms were scuffed and a bit chipped. One of the drivers was broken so I got it fixed at Wembley audio - cost me about £50-60 incl. petrol costs. I pitted them against my Royd Abbots and was very disappointed - they were very slow with poor imaging, not my cup of tea. So reasoning that my Royds would only ever realistically fetch £150-200, I put them on Gumtree for £120 (or even £100, can't remember!)

Anyway, this guy bought them - turned out to be a Pinkfisher - about 3 months later he was trying to sell them on PF for £800. Not sure he succeeded though.

It has to said I've encountered a lot of tw*ts on PF, though I guess it's something that's not confined to just one forum.

30-11-2010, 17:28
Bad form l am afraid, l had a Wammer do this to me too, he upped my selling price to him quite a bit and l gave him a small discount as well !He tried selling them on other sites/foums then posted on a Wigwam thread about how wrong this practice was, l was tempted to challenge his post but what goes round comes around;) If you are reading this you know who you are.

Norbert Colon
30-11-2010, 20:23
"A gentlemen club" (?)

Come on guys. We are living in a capitalist culture and that´s the way it is.

Hmmm, we do indeed Daniel, but my interpretation of "gentleman's club" is a place where one is required to act like a gentleman. Honour, repect & all that.

Your version would seem to be a place where men **** each other up the bottom & don't mention it in public. I'm afraid that's just not British:no:

This happened to me on PFM.

I put them on Gumtree for £120 (or even £100, can't remember!)

Anyway, this guy bought them - turned out to be a Pinkfisher - about 3 months later he was trying to sell them on PF for £800. Not sure he succeeded though.

With respect Spur, not quite the same thing. You under estimated the value & advertised them. The guy got a bargain & sold them for the market value.

What we're dealing with here is a chap trying to do a charitable act within a "community", being taken advantage of.

It would appear the perpetrator then took advantage of mr Hewitt's good nature, whilst bragging of his deed.

The only sign of conscience here is that he didn't have the face to sell them himself, he paid Haden boardman* to do it!

*HB was merely doing his businessis & in no way implicated in foul play.

30-11-2010, 20:41
I think its a difficult one... just cos someone uses the same forum does not mean they cant sell stuff on... alot of people make a bit on the side..

i tend to buy stuff and keep it... but one day i will part with some of the many decks, amps and valves i own.. some of it i've bought at very reasonable prices..
i try and be fair with any that i do i sell... most of it goes at radio rallies at very reasonable rates..

but it does not feel good if /when you find someones sold what was on.. at a profit... for what ever reason

I suppose the answer is to ebay/ try and get top price yourself...

there is no right / wrongs...its a catch 22

well thats my view...


Analog Addict
30-11-2010, 21:37
I also tend to buy stuff and keep it, that's why my loft is full to the eaves of six decades of kit. I do find that equipment for sale on forums is cheaper then the "bay" but I also like to repair old kit so actively look for restoration projects. Now I'm retiring from my full time job of defending the realm, there might come a time when I decide to sell some of my treasured kit on and I certainly would rather it go to another afficionado, rather than a profiteer!

30-11-2010, 21:57
i like to try different things and then sell them on, as long as i get most of my money back i'm happy, it all goes back in the Hifi pot at the end of the day

30-11-2010, 22:50
With respect Spur, not quite the same thing.

I never said it was. My comments were in response to Dave, the OP.

You under estimated the value & advertised them. The guy got a bargain & sold them for the market value.

In truth he over estimated their market value. in the early 90's they retailed for £800, and the market value today for a scratched up Pair is....£800. That's interesting.

30-11-2010, 22:54
I regard this forum as a sort of gentleman's club where "one does not do that sort of thing".

Quite, and that is why we like people to say hello, and give a little about why they enjoy hifi and music, because we like to be able to trust each other when it comes to these things.

People get mugged every day, but it doesn't mean we have to accept it as a fact of life here :steam:

01-12-2010, 23:03
The original thread of these amps for sale on the wam is still cached...


Think these are the same amps...

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pretty-Rare-Dynatron-LS15-LS16-10w-valve-monoblocks-/260684337703?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF %20i_Amplifiers&hash=item3cb1ff5227

Most 2nd hand dealers do just the same... buy audio gear and resell for a profit. How many of us if we found a pair of Tannoy red or golds in a junk shop speak up and say how much they are really worth !!

However I think if you are offered something free or cheap off a forum for enthusiasts then it should only be fair to offer it back to fellow members for the same deal I guess or make it clear you trade buy/sell hifi.
I sold some 300B mono-blocks on ebay for £600 and the buyer re-listed them a few weeks later for 2x the price and sold them !! Way of the world...

02-12-2010, 09:19

I appreciate and agree with the sentiments being expressed in relation to this matter, but for me it's very simple: sell whatever it was you were given free for as much as possible, and then split the profit 50-50 with the person who gave you whatever it was.........

Then everyone's a winner! That's what I'd do :)


02-12-2010, 09:29
Nice sentiment Marco.
I can't see that happening though, can you?
This guy is out for profit, pure and simple, and has no real interest in hi-fi at all.

Has anyone noticed, He hasn't been on to defend himself, and why not?
It it were me I would be keen to clear my name.

Or do the honourable thing.

Now where did I put those cyanide pills? :drugs:

02-12-2010, 09:50
Well it's definitely what I'd do, Darrell.

After all, 50% of something is better than the 50% of nothing you had before the 'gift' was given to you....! :)

It'd simply be the right thing to do, as it would reward the generosity of the giver. Dave is undoubtedly a top bloke and someone I have a lot of time for. However I have no wish to comment on Vinnie, as I know very little about the situation other than what's been written here - and so it would be unfair of me to judge him on that basis.

Vinnie is a registered member of AoS, and so is welcome to explain himself, if he so wishes. However whilst sympathising with what's happened, I would ask that people stop putting the boot in, as the discussion of personal disputes arising from outside of AoS is not something that we can continue to host.

Exploring the topic more generally though is absolutely fine.


The Grand Wazoo
02-12-2010, 16:55
It's funny that you made the suggestion of the 50:50 split Marco.
This is exactly what I suggested to Dave that I would do if I decided to move on the Sony receiver that he so kindly gave to me a few weeks ago. In fact I actually said that if I sold one of my own pieces to make way for the Sony, then I'd split the proceeds of that with him instead. I had in mind my trusty old Pioneer receiver, but I've found a way to accommodate both - we've now got music in yet another room in the house - whoopee!