View Full Version : Cold!!!

27-11-2010, 12:37
hi all,
well,,, its bloody cold here in south wales, how about where you are ?

27-11-2010, 13:02
Fking Bastard here, mate and snow on the ground as well. So much for the 'give us your money or we drown the polar bear' brigade. I was really looking forward to a bit of global warming , god knows we need it here in Stoke;)

Techno Commander
27-11-2010, 13:06
A tad nippy down here, but nothing to worry about.

Yet. :)

Rare Bird
27-11-2010, 13:29
Been snowing all night, where we live it's a bit secluded so the snow's settled on the roads, we did plan going out for a drink outside of the village but it's a bit risky...Knowing me i'll end up breaking my neck tonight with a skin full

27-11-2010, 13:36
glad too hear its not just me then.:)
i live on a hill and it snow'd quite bady last night, now its frozen!!!:steam:
cant get cars out' or in' here when this happens, so,,, best thing to do after my walk with the dog, [throwing snow balls for him and watching him search for them amongst the snow is funny] is stay in, have a cup of tea and listen to some tunes!
keep warm everyone!:)

27-11-2010, 13:40
Anthony, I expect you have the auxiliary heater on....ie your valve amps. In the cold at the beginning of this year I had to implement a bearing heater for my Salvation record deck as it's in cellar room. The room is heated but overnight it gets very cold and it takes ages to get the deck warm, hence the bearing heater.

Rare Bird
27-11-2010, 14:20
O shit Pheasant just tottered across the road & got hit by the first car in half an hour, how bad luck is that. I've just been out to move it, it's got hit in the head, i could stick that in the oven, can't get more fresh than 5 mins but a bit immoral me thinks, i put it in the falmers field hedge.

27-11-2010, 14:22
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

By Charles Onians

From 'The Independant' newspaper
Monday, 20 March 2000

Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives.

Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters - which scientists are attributing to global climate change - produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries.

The first two months of 2000 were virtually free of significant snowfall in much of lowland Britain, and December brought only moderate snowfall in the South-east. It is the continuation of a trend that has been increasingly visible in the past 15 years: in the south of England, for instance, from 1970 to 1995 snow and sleet fell for an average of 3.7 days, while from 1988 to 1995 the average was 0.7 days. London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991.

Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event"."Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.

Michael Jeacock, a Cambridgeshire local historian, added that a generation was growing up "without experiencing one of the greatest joys and privileges of living in this part of the world - open-air skating".

Warmer winters have significant environmental and economic implications, and a wide range of research indicates that pests and plant diseases, usually killed back by sharp frosts, are likely to flourish. But very little research has been done on the cultural implications of climate change - into the possibility, for example, that our notion of Christmas might have to shift.

Professor Jarich Oosten, an anthropologist at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, says that even if we no longer see snow, it will remain culturally important.

"We don't really have wolves in Europe any more, but they are still an important part of our culture and everyone knows what they look like," he said.

David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, says ultimately, British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes - or eventually "feel" virtual cold.
Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said.

The chances are certainly now stacked against the sortof heavy snowfall in cities that inspired Impressionist painters, such as Sisley, and the 19th century poet laureate Robert Bridges, who wrote in "London Snow" of it, "stealthily and perpetually settling and loosely lying".

Not any more, it seems.

Rare Bird
27-11-2010, 14:29
It's all strange, when i worked in the steel industry on lubrication, although people think steel works are hot they are quite the reverse, i worked in the freezing cold 12 hours a day where you couldnt feel your fingers around this time of year, it didnt bother me really, i was used to it.. Nowaday i can't stand the cold, i have the heating on all the time when i'm in..

27-11-2010, 15:04
We had a white out here last night for about an hour...lovely and sunny now but below freezing outside.

27-11-2010, 15:49
Not immune from it down here in Cornwall. Has snowed for the past 3 nights and pretty much melted during the day while the sun was out. Dartmoor has still got a lovely white hat on though and it isn't all that much higher than where we live on top of a hill near Liskeard.

Techno Commander
27-11-2010, 16:01
i could stick that in the oven, can't get more fresh than 5 mins

Perfectly legal.:)

27-11-2010, 16:06
Snow and cold in Wales is it Mr TD? Par for the course I think - (he knows, you know :))

Cold and a bit fergie here today. we tend to escape the worst excesses of nearby "inland," but since I've spent most of the day in bed with the 'lurgy and only just got up, I've been ok.

27-11-2010, 18:17
Perfectly legal.:)

apparently its only legal for the first car behind the car that hit it to have it!:eek:
i supose this law was meant to discourage people from deliberately going out to run over their dinner! :lol: i understand your sentiments though Andre, i probably would have done the same!

27-11-2010, 18:19
Anthony, I expect you have the auxiliary heater on....ie your valve amps. In the cold at the beginning of this year I had to implement a bearing heater for my Salvation record deck as it's in cellar room. The room is heated but overnight it gets very cold and it takes ages to get the deck warm, hence the bearing heater.
hi Clive,
aye, i've had everything thing on that gets warm!:eek:

27-11-2010, 18:23
Snow and cold in Wales is it Mr TD? Par for the course I think - (he knows, you know :))

Cold and a bit fergie here today. we tend to escape the worst excesses of nearby "inland," but since I've spent most of the day in bed with the 'lurgy and only just got up, I've been ok.
Hi Dave,
i've had 47 years of it, you'd think i would have gotten used to it by now:eyebrows: but as i have gotten older its less fun!:)

27-11-2010, 18:33
It's been hovering around 1 degrees all day, stuck the thermostat back in my old Landrover Discovery this morning in anticipation of the white stuff arriving but nothing yet, i can't go playing up the downs yet

Reid Malenfant
27-11-2010, 19:15
Woke up to about 1" of snow here in Peterborough which gradually turned to slush ;) Of course this has now promptly turned to ice which will be solid all day tomorrow going on the weather forcast :doh:

Perfect, i have to go shopping tomorrow & i have 2 wheels & pedals :steam:

Ah well, guess i'll be going on a couple of trips as it might be getting nasty so i'll stock up just in case :eyebrows:

Spectral Morn
27-11-2010, 19:42
Cold here in Northern Ireland too.....some snow last night but mostly ice and compacted hail stones.

I managed to hurt the inside back of my lower right leg earlier :doh: not by slipping but by starting of a run badly :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::(

Regards D S D L

27-11-2010, 19:51
Our high is 45 F and it's raining and cloudy.
Got some B.B. king on the Stereo and a hot cup of coffee in my hand.

27-11-2010, 19:59
At least we valve-amp owners will be reaping the benefits of their warmth ;)

Reid Malenfant
27-11-2010, 20:04
At least we valve-amp owners will be reaping the benefits of their warmth ;)
:lolsign: Name that musical heater :eyebrows: Don't forget us solid state class A amp owners ;) Ok so the KSA250 is only class A to 28W RMS, but it still kicks out a nice 500W of heat doing it :)

27-11-2010, 23:01
Bloody £53.
That's 3 bags of big lumpy coal for the open fire, 2 bags of 'Pure Heat' (anthracite stuff for the Rayburn in the kitchen) and two bags of logs to go with the coal in the open fire. And I've got the central heating on full.
I bet they do away with the cold weather payment by the time I get old enough.

28-11-2010, 08:13
Hello snowy-boy,

i live on a hill and it snow'd quite bady last night, now its frozen!!!:steam:
cant get cars out' or in' here when this happens, so,,, best thing to do after my walk with the dog, [throwing snow balls for him and watching him search for them amongst the snow is funny] is stay in, have a cup of tea and listen to some tunes!
keep warm everyone!:)

A hill? HILL??? It's more like the side of a freakin' mountain!! 'Steep' doesn't even begin to describe it!!!

You have my sympathy, mate, but I understand that it must be a bloody nightmare where you are. I suggest you invest in some mountaineering gear or skis, as that's likely the only way you're gonna get access to civilisation! :eyebrows:

Now I know why you don't like snow..... ;)

We've only had a smattering of it here, which is quite nice on the level landscape where we live, but TBH, it's too bloody early for snow. Ideally, I'd like it to fall heavily on Christmas Eve and stay that way for a few days to make things look nice and festive, and then for it to bugger off.

Anyway, I know you'll keep warm in your thermal man tights and fluffy wee shlipper-ettes, so enjoy! :lol:


Rare Bird
28-11-2010, 09:26
Not too cold here this morning says me sat here with the wife's fluffy pink dressing gown on :eyebrows:

Mark Grant
28-11-2010, 09:48
-8 degrees when driving home from a friends house in the early hours of this morning, not many cars out but a few happy couples walking home from their night out in -8 :eek:

Temperture is up to -4 now at 09:45 AM. Does feel cold, nice blue sky though.

28-11-2010, 10:08
Not too cold here this morning says me sat here with the wife's fluffy pink dressing gown on :eyebrows:

I hope you have got the matching fluffy slippers on to complete the outfit Andre'

Minus 1.2 according to the outside temp gauge this morning, we are going out for a fry up to soak up last nights curry and beer night

28-11-2010, 11:40

By shian7 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/shian7) at 2010-11-27

28-11-2010, 11:45
Just now....

By shian7 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/shian7) at 2010-11-28

28-11-2010, 11:58
Not too cold here this morning says me sat here with the wife's fluffy pink dressing gown on :eyebrows:

:worthless: :lolsign:

28-11-2010, 11:58
Lurvely, mate - where's yer snowman, then? :eyebrows:


Techno Commander
28-11-2010, 12:41
Lurvely, mate - where's yer snowman, then? :eyebrows:



28-11-2010, 16:14
Genius !!

Ali Tait
28-11-2010, 16:21
Dunfermline at 12.00-

Dave Hewitt
28-11-2010, 16:47
Ali,get that bloody Audioromy fired up.

Ali Tait
28-11-2010, 16:58
It's knackered!

Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 08:44
Just a little more snow this morning!

29-11-2010, 09:08
Absolutely beautiful...

I take it you've got a day off today, then, because it doesn't look like you're going anywhere without skis! ;)


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 09:16
Correct! Managed to move the van about a meter,then it took over an hour to get it back again. Vitos are CRAP in the snow!

29-11-2010, 09:28
Lol... I do love being 'holed up' when it gets like that (as it's so lovely looking out at the snowy landscape from inside a nice warm and cosy house), providing you're on holiday, don't have to go anywhere, and can just mong around listening to music, eating cake and drinking booze! :eyebrows:

It's came way too early, though...... We want it like that on Christmas Eve!!


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 09:51
I reckon it will be mate. We're in for another bad winter.

29-11-2010, 09:55
so much for global warming!!!
mother earth has an un-canny way of repairing herself and in the process sticking two fingers up to us all!:lol:

29-11-2010, 10:22
I reckon it will be mate. We're in for another bad winter.

Possibly, Ali. Fancy a wee wager? A tenner from me says no to a white Christmas, with the loser giving it to charity - say Cancer Research? :)


(Who's never wanted to lose £10 as much in all his life, if it means that £10 is going to a good cause and it's snowing in the whole of the UK on Christmas day!!)

29-11-2010, 10:25
so much for global warming!!!
mother earth has an un-canny way of repairing herself and in the process sticking two fingers up to us all!:lol:

Indeed, and it's getting colder all the time... That's why God gave us valve amps!! :eyebrows:


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 10:34
Possibly, Ali. Fancy a wee wager? A tenner from me says no to a white Christmas, with the loser giving it to charity - say Cancer Research? :)


(Who's never wanted to lose £10 as much in all his life, if it means that £10 is going to a good cause and it's snowing in the whole of the UK on Christmas day!!)

Ok sure,but what's the definition of a white Christmas?

29-11-2010, 10:42
That it's actually snowing (significantly - not just a few flakes) on Christmas day. Snow already on the ground doesn't count :)


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 10:50
Aye but snowing where? Either at mine or yours?

29-11-2010, 10:53
Hahaha... Either - it's the weather wherever you are that counts! If it's snowing outside your window on Christmas Day, I give £10 to Cancer Research, as you would do if it isn't snowing where I am. So are you up for it? :)

Would anyone else like to join in?


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 11:33
Ok it's a deal!

29-11-2010, 12:02
Nice one, mate - anyone else fancy a flutter for a good cause? :)


29-11-2010, 12:09
I will stick a tenner in as well if it snows at our house, then that way we have south, west and north covered just need east to go

29-11-2010, 13:02
Nice one, Jon! So who's gonna cover the south east of the country? Perhaps Alex UK or Dave DSJR will (if I've got my geography right)! :)


29-11-2010, 14:38
Yep, put me down for a tenner in the East!

29-11-2010, 16:05
Top man, Alex. Gosh, isn't this going to be exciting! :eyebrows:


The Grand Wazoo
29-11-2010, 18:05
If it's snowing outside your window on Christmas Day, I give £10 to Cancer Research, as you would do if it isn't snowing where I am.

So how does that work with 4 of you then?
When the bookies take bets on a white Christmas, they pay out if there's complete coverage on the roof of the Met. Office in London.

29-11-2010, 18:09
So how does that work with 4 of you then?
When the bookies take bets on a white Christmas, they pay out if there's complete coverage on the roof of the Met. Office in London.

Not quite - only one snowflake has to fall and settle on the roof of the London Met Office on the 25th December for it to be called a white Christmas!


29-11-2010, 18:16
Hi Chris,

I couldn't give a monkey's bollocks what's happening in London. London isn't the bee all and end all of life in the UK - far from it. If it's snowing outside my window on Christmas day, then as far as I'm concerned it's a white Christmas (for me)! ;)


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 18:25
Yep that's what we agreed,it's what's happening out of our windows!

29-11-2010, 18:28
I dont give a bollocks about London either. Im going to Glasgow for Hawkwind this weekend , thats what im worried about. Edinburgh airport is closed apparently.

The Grand Wazoo
29-11-2010, 18:54
Yes but the way you described the wager working is fine for two people, but how does it work for 4 of you?
You were going to make a charity donation depending on what was happening out of the other person's window, remember?

The Grand Wazoo
29-11-2010, 18:57
Not quite - only one snowflake has to fall and settle on the roof of the London Met Office on the 25th December for it to be called a white Christmas!


We're both wrong!
It can be one flake, but it has to be on a 3m x 3m paved section when someone goes up there to check (about once every hour).


Ali Tait
29-11-2010, 19:06
Yes but the way you described the wager working is fine for two people, but how does it work for 4 of you?
You were going to make a charity donation depending on what was happening out of the other person's window, remember?
Still works fine for however many want to play.If it doesn't snow where you live,you pay a tenner.Simples!

29-11-2010, 19:11
Indeed! :)


The Grand Wazoo
29-11-2010, 19:11
Yes that works, but Marco's version was:

If it's snowing outside your window on Christmas Day, I give £10 to Cancer Research

29-11-2010, 19:18
I amended it later with Ali, Chris! ;)

Go and have a look at the pics I've taken of my Mike New platter and tell me what you think:



Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 12:15
Just a little more snow today-

30-11-2010, 13:54
Just a little more snow today-

Clucking Bell, that kind of puts things into perspective, will the postie be able to deliver your new controller?

Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 14:03
Already got it! Great bit of kit I have to say.

30-11-2010, 14:13
Already got it! Great bit of kit I have to say.

I'm running 7.3.3 of the server on a linux box (7.5's a bit fat for it), and they work better with 7.5, so I'm using Squeezecommander on my Android phone to the same effect...excellent functionality!

FYI you can activate the controller as a player too, hence the headphone socket

Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 14:22
Yes,I was aware of that. I was using my Android phone too,but using the wireless drained the battery pretty quickly. The controller should last longer I hope.

30-11-2010, 14:34
Yes,I was aware of that. I was using my Android phone too,but using the wireless drained the battery pretty quickly. The controller should last longer I hope.

I was always good at stating the bleeding obvious...

The battery life on the controller is pretty good, just keep the screen timeouts reasonably low and you should be OK. Out of interest what Android are you using? My HTC desire is not too bad for battery use (a couple of days with wi-fi on), but my previous Samsung was a shocker!

Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 15:32
Aye,HTC Desire too.I find using Squeezecommander for a few hours drains the battery.I do have a spare battery though,my first phone crashed when the T-mobile update came out,so they offered to send a new one if I sent the phone and old battery back. Astonishingly,I forgot to include the battery.Oops! :lol:

Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 15:34
BTW,have you tried the controller as a player? What's it like?

30-11-2010, 16:20
...not bad really easily as good as an IPOD (but then my source is FLAC so not a very good comparison), but I didn't use it long as I was already running 4 other clients and experiencing some performance issues.

Hence I use SqueezeCommander, I find the controller OK as long as you don't run too many large playlists on multiple players, it doesn't cache data very well.

30-11-2010, 16:23
Aye,HTC Desire too.I find using Squeezecommander for a few hours drains the battery.I do have a spare battery though,my first phone crashed when the T-mobile update came out,so they offered to send a new one if I sent the phone and old battery back. Astonishingly,I forgot to include the battery.Oops! :lol:

Ali try this, it sounds a bit like witchcraft but it seemed to help mine (from an android forum)...

"My HTC Desire Froyo battery life was similarly very bad at first but a couple of things have fixed it for me. Firstly it maybe that one of your apps downloaded from the Market is not quite coded properly for Froyo and is draining the battery. Facebook 1.3 update is a known one, but in my case it looked like Extended Controls was draining my battery, and geting my Desire very hot. Uninstalling it seemed to solve it. Secondly there's a battery trick (from HTC themselves) to re-calibrate the battery. 1) Turn your device ON and Charge the device for 8 hours or more 2) Unplug the device and Turn the phone OFF and charge for 1 hour 3) Unplug the device Turn ON wait 2 minutes and Turn OFF and charge for another hour. Now my HTC Desire with Froyo lasts 36 to 48 hours with normal use."

30-11-2010, 16:25
...oh and turn off auto sync, blu-tooth, data, gps, until you need them

Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 17:15
Cheers,have already tried that battery tweak,didn't do anything for me unfortunately. Nowt wrong with the battery I don't think though,it lasts a full day and more normally,and that's with a lot of internet access during the day. Just how smartphones are at the mo I think,the battery technology has fallen behind the phone technology.

30-11-2010, 19:18
...I suppose it's like expecting a laptop to last more than a day

Ali Tait
30-11-2010, 19:39
Yes,folk moan about it,but what can you expect?

30-11-2010, 19:58
I've had my Sony Vaio now for four years and it's switched on and being used for over 15 hours a day, with 19,391 posts having been made on here using it!! ;)


Reid Malenfant
30-11-2010, 20:09
I've had my Sony Vaio laptop now for four years and it's on and being used for over 15 hours a day, with 19,391 posts having been made on here!! ;)

I'm using the very first PC which i ever bought, an Acer laptop & it's still running 100% fine :eyebrows: Must be somewhere between 4 & 6 years old, what's this about laptops giving up :confused: :scratch:

30-11-2010, 20:39
How long the battery lasts before needing a recharge you pair of plonkers! ;)

Reid Malenfant
30-11-2010, 20:41
How long the battery lasts before needing a recharge you pair of plonkers! ;)
:lolsign: :ner:

Can't win em all :eyebrows:

30-11-2010, 20:50
How long the battery lasts before needing a recharge you pair of plonkers! ;)

Does it say that here:

...I suppose it's like expecting a laptop to last more than a day

No. So shut it! :eyebrows:

I thought it was simply a sarcastic reference to how unreliable laptops in general can be :)


30-11-2010, 20:59
Does it say that here:

No. So shut it! :eyebrows:

I thought it was simply a sarcastic reference to how unreliable laptops in general can be :)


Might I mention the word 'context' at this point...

30-11-2010, 21:03


30-11-2010, 21:49


30-11-2010, 21:50

Ah that's better chrome works now...:);):(:lol::eyebrows::doh::steam::stalks::ee k::rolleyes::scratch::ner::lolsign::cool::cool::co ol::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool ::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Ali Tait
01-12-2010, 09:15
More snow vicar!

01-12-2010, 09:20
Hahahaha... You'll not be able to see out soon!!

Does no-one own a shovel where you live in Dunfermline, and are all the gritters on strike? ;)


Ali Tait
01-12-2010, 09:41
I've been trying for hours to dig the van out! Problem is,digging it out is one thing,the other is getting it to the top of the hill. Our road doesn't get cleared.Paths either,so no-one bothers even trying now. In fact I walked 4 miles to Asda yesterday,and not one path was cleared! What the hell does the council think they are doing? :steam:

01-12-2010, 09:52
We have snow now as well, just warming up the Disco for the School run, this was nearly two hours ago and the snow is getting harder now


Ali Tait
01-12-2010, 09:54
Can I borrow it when you're done? I need to get this bloody van pulled out!

01-12-2010, 09:59
I've been trying for hours to dig the van out! Problem is,digging it out is one thing,the other is getting it to the top of the hill. Our road doesn't get cleared.Paths either,so no-one bothers even trying now. In fact I walked 4 miles to Asda yesterday,and not one path was cleared! What the hell does the council think they are doing? :steam:

Typical lazy-arse, corrupt councils, full of useless self-serving bastards. Or maybe you're all too mean up there to pay your rates? :eyebrows:

Incidentally, my wife used to work for Glasgow City Council, so she knows what goes on in these places ;)

That situation though would last ten minutes in Wrexham before it was sorted. It's a different ball-game here. We have a rather 'proactive' local councillor!


Ali Tait
01-12-2010, 10:14
I imagine there will be some complaints made with all this weather.That's if we ever get out.It's snowing again!

01-12-2010, 10:18
Typical lazy-arse, corrupt councils, full of useless self-serving bastards. Or maybe you're all too mean up there to pay your rates? :eyebrows:

Incidentally, my wife used to work for Glasgow City Council, so she knows what goes on in these places ;)

That situation though would last ten minutes in Wrexham before it was sorted. It's a different ball-game here. We have a rather 'proactive' local councillor!


One of the councils i work for are very pro-active in this respect but don't have their own ground working staff, we spent a week earlier in the year just clearing snow for them to keep the car parks around the shops open, all by hand with shovels it certainly kept you warm and paid the bills, i don't like sending my blokes out in the snow generally as we are essentially ground workers as it costs me a fortune with very little work actually getting done and also the risk of one of my vans being written off, but as always everyone needs the money so i try to help as much as i can,

Bah Humbug to you all

01-12-2010, 12:54
Bitter cold here today and only a frozen dusting of snow, yet AlexUK up the road by thirteen miles has a snowman in his garden.....

the main arteries here are clear, but one road I drove down this morning which is an important rat-run to one of the schools was an ice-rink - thank gawd for ABS brakes...

Rare Bird
01-12-2010, 12:54
Loverly day today, last night wasnt, i had to walk half a mile home from work in blizzard conditions.

electric beach
01-12-2010, 13:17
Had plenty of opportunity to view the picturesque scenery yesterday. I have a 90 minute journey to and from work each day. I left Broadstairs, Kent at 4.00pm and arrived home at 1.30am this morning. Five and a half hours on the A2/M2 without moving, then eventually a chance to exit, take an extensive scenic tour of Kent and the M25 car park, with the highlight of the QE2 bridge strewn with stranded trucks and cars that resembled the straffed road out of Kuwait.

Not one gritter.
Not one plough.
Not one police vehicle. Although I did find one hiding in a service area.

There must have been hundreds of people that spent the night in their cars. Everyone was left to their own devices, the radio traffic news merely regurgitated the same litany of congestion co-ordinates and it was left to presenters to relay information from texts and phone calls from motorists in an attempt to construct a jigsaw picture of what was happening.
One motoring "expert" was asked for his advice as to what people should do if stranded. His advice was a/ stay in your car and b/ don't leave in the first place. Hindsight is such an overrated sense.

I had Italian customers over for the day. The reached Gatwick OK for a 7.30 flight, boarded but were then told they were waiting for a replacement crew member. Three hours later when the weather had worsened they were disembarked and put in a hotel with a replacement flight at 7.10am. Three hours on an Easyjet, not funny. This morning Gatwick closed, so they are now on a train to Paris to get out of the country.

Last week I was in Finland and Sweden. No problem in the slightest and it snowed for 4 days and 4 nights non stop.

What must foreigners think of our commercial reliability and organisational abilities!

Same report card as always - Must Do Better!

01-12-2010, 13:24
Hi Steve,

Had plenty of opportunity to view the picturesque scenery yesterday. I have a 90 minute journey to and from work each day. I left Broadstairs, Kent at 4.00pm and arrived home at 1.30am this morning. Five and a half hours on the A2/M2 without moving, then eventually a chance to exit, take an extensive scenic tour of Kent and the M25 car park, with the highlight of the QE2 bridge strewn with stranded trucks and cars that resembled the straffed road out of Kuwait.

Next time could you take some pics on your phone or digital camera and post them in our Abstract Gallery? That sort of stuff is interesting! :)

I'd also ask everyone else to post their snowy landscape or traffic jam nightmare pics there, and I'll make it into a sticky thread throughout winter to see who's had it/got it the worst!

Right, who's gonna kick the thread off? :cool:


P.S Point taken, John ;)

Rare Bird
01-12-2010, 13:48
Ok started one off Marco

You know this country is shyte in snow conditions, it's totally not set up for it. Russia for instance have far worse conditions, public transport works on low buget flawlessly everyday there. God help us when we do get some serious snow.

01-12-2010, 14:00
Cheers, mate. Never a truer word was said!

And the ludicrous thing is that it's always the same old, same old, every winter, with very few lessons being learned!! :doh:

Current meteorological technology is very reliable and predicts weather conditions in advance extremely accurately............so why aren't we properly prepared for the snow well in advance??

Why is counter-action against the conditions always taken at THE LAST BLOODY MINUTE??? As they say in Glasgow, we're always at the coo's arse! Why I wonder this seemingly apathetic attitude by those who make the relevant decisions?

Wait to you hear of all the cancelled buses and trains in the forthcoming days, all over what in real terms amounts to a wee bit of snow, which is an absolute disgrace in this day and age................ It's total and utter ineptitude of the highest order.


electric beach
01-12-2010, 14:21
Hi Steve,

Next time could you take some pics on your phone or digital camera and post them in our Abstract Gallery? That sort of stuff is interesting! :)

Will do Marco, although my phone camera is shite.

The sarcasm seems to have passed you by though :rolleyes: I suppose I should have taken a pic of the motorway sign flashing 40 mph max for five and a half hours :lol:

01-12-2010, 14:43
Oh no, don't worry, Steve, I got the sarcasm..... I was just more interested in seeing what you had been looking at.

That's why I'm so glad I live in North Wales, which is 85% rural and miles away from the 'rat race' that manifests itself around London and the South East, particularly during the rush hour when the weather is bad!!! :rolleyes:

Up here we know not of what you describe. You have my deepest sympathies :(

Don't forget to pack the camera (and a flask of hot soup and some blankets) tomorrow! ;)


electric beach
01-12-2010, 15:25
A farmer called in to the radio station last night to state that he had five tractor snowploughs plus drivers ready to go out, but the local authority wouldn't sanction it because they hadn't done the paperwork for his contract/ insurance, even though it was submitted in the summer. He asked them when it would be done and was told they hadn't time, maybe Friday but probably next week. Useful. He suggested they email it but they refused because it wouldn't be signed "properly". Just how Luddite are these people; a farmer has email but a local authority can't manage electronic signature in an emergency :steam:

01-12-2010, 15:34
That's f*cking ridiclous... Mindless bureaucracy at its absolute worst!! :steam:

Those lazy f*ckers need a freaking rocket shoved up their arse before they'll bloody move!!!

Marco (who'd love to be the 'Bazooka Joe') ;)

01-12-2010, 15:48
A farmer called in to the radio station last night to state that he had five tractor snowploughs plus drivers ready to go out, but the local authority wouldn't sanction it because they hadn't done the paperwork for his contract/ insurance, even though it was submitted in the summer. He asked them when it would be done and was told they hadn't time, maybe Friday but probably next week. Useful. He suggested they email it but they refused because it wouldn't be signed "properly". Just how Luddite are these people; a farmer has email but a local authority can't manage electronic signature in an emergency :steam:

Health and ducking safety!!!!

He'll probably have to submit a 50 page bit for tender, in order to get preferred supplier status...sometime around August

01-12-2010, 17:35
Just having a chat with a neighbour as he shovels snow off his driveway, i like to help by shouting encouragement from afar, anyway he went to Erith in Kent yesterday it took him 5 and half hours to do the 60 odd miles and get home which was only due to the fact they were in a 4x4 or he would still be there now.
The lorry driver from the Timber merchants he was visiting left the yard at 7.30am yesterday and finally got back in the yard ar 3.45pm today :eek:

06-12-2010, 12:31
Just now, view from front door!


Getting worse, my partner has had to leave work early due to possible closure of mountain road.


06-12-2010, 14:24
Indeed Andre. I have to go and pick up the young 'un from school as it has closed early and cars are stuck on the road up to the school. Much deeper snow now too. :rolleyes:

06-12-2010, 15:20
No snow but absolute brass monkey weather here. The photos below are taken from my bedroom and study.

06-12-2010, 17:10
Here in Nth Lincs we've had about 18ins of snow since the middle of last week and it hit -12 last night. Its at times like these I'm glad I run class A amps.;)

The Grand Wazoo
06-12-2010, 17:18
Hi Keith,
Welcome to the Art of Sound!
Perhaps you wouldn't mind running over to the welcome area & introducing yourself, your system & musical taste to us all. If you start a new thread there, we'll all know where to find you!


07-12-2010, 11:10
Just been for a nice walk down to the frozen River Roe. You can see Benbradagh in the background, this is Cara Dillon's 'Hill of thieves'. more info here..



Spectral Morn
07-12-2010, 11:53
Just now, view from front door!


Getting worse, my partner has had to leave work early due to possible closure of mountain road.


Oooooooy You ! Aquapiranha you kept that on a need to know basis ;) So you are now here ?

When the weather improves we will have to get together some time.

There's only a little snow where I live (very cold though) and Bangor where I work is fairly clear of snow at the minute. In fact its relatively warm today compared to yesterday....still cold mind you but warmer than it was.

Last Monday was fun I park the car in a local carpark which was a sheet of ice and parked cars were moving on there own....sliding on the ice. This was down to melted ice/slush on the tires re freezing....no traction :eek:

It was very scary walking through that carpark and seeing several tons of motor vehicles moving and a few had already been stopped by hitting the car in front.

No photos sorry.

Regards D S D L

07-12-2010, 12:56
Hi Neil. I see you are working now? PM me with the details. It is lovely when it snows here, but it has it's problems too! for a while yesterday the village was cut off but a flotilla of snow ploughs and gritters have opened up the road again. More snow on the way they say....