View Full Version : Funny hanshakes?

18-11-2010, 12:55
I can't think of a single other reason how this thug got away with this...


18-11-2010, 13:57
What a bastard.... I'd take *him* into a cell and give HIM a bloody good doing!! :steam:


The Vinyl Adventure
18-11-2010, 14:08
a police man thats acts like a bully... cor, thats a new one ...
i know they arent alll that way, but it does seem to me that a lot of them could do with anger management...
i was sat on my bike the other day pushing it along with my foot down the high street on the other day - pedestrianised area - no vehicles 10-4.30 - it was 10:20, he stopped me and gave me a massive bollocking... really patronising like
"Does this look like a road to you?" etc ... that sort of thing
i wasnt even peddling ... i was going very slowly and there was no one around ....
now im happy to admit i was in the wrong ... but a polite "scuse me mate, you know you cant cycle down here at this time of day" would have been more than adequate... imagine what would have happened if i was doing somthing serious...

18-11-2010, 14:23
The problem is they're letting any bloody idiots into the police force nowadays....

I mean look at the fat, short-arse gits you see now plodding around the place, who could no more chase a criminal down the street than secure the top button on their pants without a hernia.

At one time you had to be at least 6ft tall, well-built, and fit as f*ck to be a policeman, as well have some common sense inside yer nut.... :rolleyes:

Now they're "well-built", all right... Aye, built for playing Santa!


23-11-2010, 16:56
The problem is they're letting any bloody idiots into the police force nowadays....

I mean look at the fat, short-arse gits you see now plodding around the place, who could no more chase a criminal down the street than secure the top button on their pants without a hernia.

At one time you had to be at least 6ft tall, well-built, and fit as f*ck to be a policeman, as well have some common sense inside yer nut.... :rolleyes:

Now they're "well-built", all right... Aye, built for playing Santa!


Reason is there not hireing men,but people with the ability to fill outreports well as reports are used as evedance.
Even a spelling error will come into question in court,Where you tired,upset ect...
So they want lawers with guns here.

What you see now is an uberweeniemeanie with a Sig P226