View Full Version : AOS Spotify Account ?

16-11-2010, 20:25
I am wondering would people be interested if AOS was to open a Spotify account
Members could add tracks and hav access to members favourite music It could prove an interesting way to share and hear music
Please feel to share your thoughts; at this stage it just a idea:band:

17-11-2010, 19:39
Sounds good to me John.

17-11-2010, 19:41
Yes I think we end up doing it might be one of those things that becomes more poplar lattter on
Cheers for the feedback John

The Vinyl Adventure
17-11-2010, 20:46
My Spotify has a playlist called "tracks of the moment for aos" after I got exited about it and thought it would be a good way to share music, but interest seemed to dwindle

17-11-2010, 20:50
If this is set up ready Hamish whilst not share user name again If you wish I put something in the music section so this can be added to over time If you do not wish the hassle no worries I can go ahead when I get a bit more time

The Vinyl Adventure
17-11-2010, 21:12
Sorry John, run that by me again...

17-11-2010, 21:33
OK, not had a chance yet to investigate if it is possible to have more than one user on the same PC running Spotify (though I don't see why not) - however it is very easy to share playlists, just by right clicking it in Spotify and selecting "Coppy HTTP Link" and then pasting like you would any normal link - et voila:

The AoS Summer Tunes Playlist (http://open.spotify.com/user/alex_steel1969/playlist/5Ula1UebUGpl2TKBj4Enu0)

So, it doesn't necessarily need to be an AoS "account" on Spotify for us to share playlists linked to the forum.

The Vinyl Adventure
17-11-2010, 21:46
Ooo ... You can do that from iPhone app too

17-11-2010, 22:29
I found out you can have 2 accounts so perhaps this is the best route
I could eaisly set up an account
What I would like once this happens most likely at the weekend! Is for people to suggest music to share
Thanks for info how to share I could never figure how to copy link for others to see it
Hamish I sent message explaining thoughts further

17-11-2010, 22:59
John - you can have multiple instances of the same Spotify account all running at the same time on different machines, but only one can play at any one time (AFAIK, there's no limit to external users playing a shared playlist simultaneously, though.)

My suggestion therefore would be for you to create a generic AoS email account with someone like Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc, and then register a Spotify account for AoS with that. The password could be shared with some of the mods or selected individuals, meaning you could create playlists as needed. The AoS account could then "subscribe" to any other AoS themed playlists (such as the ones Hamish and I linked to) keeping them all in one place. Happy to set this up and distribute the credentials if you would like me to?

17-11-2010, 23:46
This sounds interesting. Do I need a premium account to make this work or can I join in with a free account?

17-11-2010, 23:56
Wot he said.

The Grand Wazoo
17-11-2010, 23:59
If you have only signed up for the cooking version, you can still play other folks playlists.
Have a look here:

18-11-2010, 00:02
I believe a free account will give you access to any play lists, you "just" have a limit of 20 hours per month, ads between tracks, and lower quality than if you are a subscriber. I really don't have shares in Spotify (wish I did!) but I more than save the £10 a month Premium subscription either by deciding some albums I will only listen to via the service (and maybe buy at a later date) or simply because I decide after a listen or two to an album I can live without it, whereas often in the past I would just buy it, only to play it a couple of times and then never again.

18-11-2010, 05:19
I agree with Alex the Preminum makes sense; quality is better and unlimted playing time For me its great checking out music and use it much the same as Alex when you join even if free you can request to join other peoples sites and this allows you to hear their playlist if both parties wish

18-11-2010, 11:35
Can you use the Unlimited account @ £4.99/month.

Spotify Unlimited
Here’s what you get

* Listen to millions of tracks - all available instantly
* Unlimited music - no time limits
* No advertising
* Share tracks and playlists with your friends
* Play and organise your own music files
* Unlimited travel access

Here’s what you don’t get

* Full access on your mobile phone
* Offline mode
* Enhanced sound quality
* Exclusive content

The Grand Wazoo
18-11-2010, 11:42
Philip - I think all account types will allow you to get at other people's playlists as long as you know their user name.

For a tenner you get the highest resolution, unlimited use and no adverts
For a fiver, you don't get the higher resolution
If you use an invite to get a free account I'm pretty sure you still get unlimited access, but you still have the adverts & the lower resolution.

18-11-2010, 12:02
Thanks Chris, I use the invited free account and yes you do get unlimited access, lower resolution and adverts. I use it mainly to preview new music before I buy it. I'm listening to Hamish's "tracks of the moment for aos" now. It's good, I have at least 2 of them. It's hard to find good new music sometimes and sharing play-lists or tracks seems a way forward.

18-11-2010, 15:21
With the invite you also have a limit to 20 hours maximum listening a month
With the premium allowance sound quality pretty good so much better than ITunes
Yes agree about sharing playing tracks
I found the best way to discover new music is click on related artists and then just explore and listen

The Grand Wazoo
18-11-2010, 15:41
With the invite you also have a limit to 20 hours maximum listening a month

Are you sure about this John?

Reid Malenfant
18-11-2010, 16:59
Are you sure about this John?
Alex sorted me out an invite last week & i can confirm the restriction to 20 hours per month :doh:

From what i have seen though it might cost only £5 per month to go upmarket & have no restrictions :scratch:

The Grand Wazoo
18-11-2010, 17:01
Alex sorted me out an invite last week & i can confirm the restriction to 20 hours per month :doh:

OK thanks - they must have changed this fairly recently.
Sorry John, my mistake.

18-11-2010, 17:03
Alex kindly sorted a invitation link for me the other week but there seems to be an option on the site to enter a code that lifts the 20hr restriction but you still get the adds and other restrictions.

Reid Malenfant
18-11-2010, 17:06
The one thing i have noticed & i'm not keen on at all is that it's dumping a lot of data somewhere on my computer C drive. I'd like to find it & delete it but no such luck so far :doh:

18-11-2010, 17:46
Hi just got back from lunch, not noticed the 20 hour limit, had the free account for over a year now.

18-11-2010, 17:56
Hi just got back from lunch, not noticed the 20 hour limit, had the free account for over a year now.

Where does it tell one this, bet mine now has restriction, but can't find the details?

There is of course Grooveshark


18-11-2010, 18:04
Or we7

18-11-2010, 18:54
This explains the 20 hour rule

18-11-2010, 19:02
This explains the 20 hour rule

Thanks, if I get the limit coming up, will just switch to Grooveshark, something else, or even listen to the massive amount of music that is on my HD.

Techno Commander
18-11-2010, 19:08
So how would this work? Do we all chip in and buy a premium account for a year?

18-11-2010, 19:33
Nope we can set up an invite thread for people with x number of posts and then they can create a free account
They would need to send a private message to those of us who would be willing to offer invites both Alex and Hamish have already helped many members this way

18-11-2010, 20:42
I've been using Grooveshark with much success.

18-11-2010, 20:49
Nope we can set up an invite thread for people with x number of posts and then they can create a free account
They would need to send a private message to those of us who would be willing to offer invites both Alex and Hamish have already helped many members this way

Still got loads left - if anyone wants one - I'm not quite as mean as Hamish (;)) - but at least a reasonable presence on here to qualify... Though that said, I think Mark (Reid Malenfant) had an invite and still had the 20 hour limit, so I'm not convinced there is any advantage now? :scratch:

Reid Malenfant
18-11-2010, 20:59
Though that said, I think Mark (Reid Malenfant) had an invite and still had the 20 hour limit, so I'm not convinced there is any advantage now? :scratch:
Correct & no advantage, though i have heard a lot of stuff i haven't previously :) Only problem is i now want to buy the CDs :doh:

Cheers for the invite Alex, much appreciated, well kind of :lolsign: I can choose to buy the stuff so it's all good, defo if you are patient & use fleabay :)

18-11-2010, 21:19
i have just cancelled my Spotify premium account but still have invites for members i think, i have been using Last Fm Radio instead

18-11-2010, 22:06
Btw, Jon, Happy Birthday mate - hope you had a nice one! :birthday:



18-11-2010, 22:12
Yes thanks Marco, out for a meal on Saturday with friends, off to bed now for a bunk up, fingers crossed :eyebrows: