View Full Version : Herbies on top of old Linny

11-11-2010, 17:23
:eyebrows: He, he, hee you thought it was going to be summat else!
I've just been having a session with my LP12 and tried the Herbie's mat and it works a treat plus the damn felt doesn't lift with the LP when you take if off because its not there anymore!!!
Jazz guitar has the player up a alot of notches in performance for example.

So Herbie's on the LP12 and Funky's Arcromat on the 1210, struth I'm spoilt for choice :lol:

Just a short message to other LP12 owners, take the blinks off and try one, okay?


12-11-2010, 10:00
Nice one Ron

I'm afraid the vast majority of Linnie's ' just won't have it .

The usual response is ' it makes it sound less musical , only Linn can make the best mat for the LP12 and its felt .

If it does it for you , what about the Achromat on an LP12 ? some say they like it and some don't .

12-11-2010, 12:42
Nice one Ron

I'm afraid the vast majority of Linnie's ' just won't have it .

The usual response is ' it makes it sound less musical , only Linn can make the best mat for the LP12 and its felt .

If it does it for you , what about the Achromat on an LP12 ? some say they like it and some don't .

Hi ya going Chris? Thanks for the response, yup the Linnies and Linnettes of this world are zealous in their persuit of the one true path (???), its like trying to sell hot dogs in Mecca I suppose :scratch: I've owned a Linn for a long time although, like the road sweeps broom, its undergone alot of changes, as I said to DSJR somewhere else the only thing left of the original is my finger prints ;). I have tried Funky's Acro on the LP12 and it is good, but its a toss up twix Herbie or Funky's, I guess its down to the listening mood of the day, eh? One things for sure Chris, the Tekko is a damn sight more user friendly than the LP12. If I ever win the lotto I'm having a purpose designed listening room with the facility for more than two turntables....dream on JazzBones.

Good chatting to your again, keep drifting over this way mate,:)


12-11-2010, 15:36
Not all Linn owners are blinkered ;)

13-11-2010, 09:53
Hi ya going Chris? Thanks for the response, yup the Linnies and Linnettes of this world are zealous in their persuit of the one true path (???), its like trying to sell hot dogs in Mecca I suppose :scratch: I've owned a Linn for a long time although, like the road sweeps broom, its undergone alot of changes, as I said to DSJR somewhere else the only thing left of the original is my finger prints ;). I have tried Funky's Acro on the LP12 and it is good, but its a toss up twix Herbie or Funky's, I guess its down to the listening mood of the day, eh? One things for sure Chris, the Tekko is a damn sight more user friendly than the LP12. If I ever win the lotto I'm having a purpose designed listening room with the facility for more than two turntables....dream on JazzBones.

Good chatting to your again, keep drifting over this way mate,:)


Thank's Ron ' that's very kind of you .

Winning the lotto :) hell yeah and for me a room with about 6 TT's including an LP12 and i would hunt high and low for a Voyd reference and an SP10 MK3 ( a visit to Tokyo) .

Well and a wood burner for the Wifey.

The thing about the Linn though ' once set up and on a good wall shelf ! with a lingo ' it was pretty user friendly so long as you just left it alone :).

13-11-2010, 09:58
Not all Linn owners are blinkered ;)

Hi Andrew

Certainly not ! :)

How's the Rubikon doing ?

14-11-2010, 12:34
I'm like a bad penny Ron - just can't keep away, but you knew that of old, didn't you :)

You've already departed from the sacred path by using a different sub-chassis, so choice of mats is really going to be a matter of taste mate. Just use the Linn-tune-dem way, especially in following double-bass lines and drum timbre and playing styles (which should be easy for you knowing your drumming background) and you shouldn't go far wrong.

Have you still got the NAC72? You really ought to try some 821 boards you know ;)

14-11-2010, 13:40
I'm like a bad penny Ron - just can't keep away, but you knew that of old, didn't you :)

You've already departed from the sacred path by using a different sub-chassis, so choice of mats is really going to be a matter of taste mate. Just use the Linn-tune-dem way, especially in following double-bass lines and drum timbre and playing styles (which should be easy for you knowing your drumming background) and you shouldn't go far wrong.

Have you still got the NAC72? You really ought to try some 821 boards you know ;)

Hi de hi Dave, Nah ya not like a bad penny, besides I like having alot of change around 'coz its always needed, yeh!

I did consider the 821 board from Les W for My NAC72 a little while ago but somewhere (?) it was mentioned that the sensitivity of my NakCR7E would be affected, viz. it would not play as loud and the volume would have to be whacked up.... I don't know if this is just a cage full of budgie droppings or true; I look to you again to set me right on this one? Its amazing whats out there in the ether about the do's and don'ts of Naim usuage and ownership. We know nowadays that clever marketing requires the buyer to be locked into a specific product and life style forever, as Balderick would say, ' I have a cunning plan' :eyebrows: OR, as said else where, the holistic approach:scratch:
Actually the TT I wanted before getting my LP12 from Studio Numpty Nump. was the Logic DM101 ever since I saw it in early Meridean livery along with the 101 amps etc..... Sorry about me drifting off course again folks :doh:

The drums have long gone. I wish I could hate a neighbour enough to buy an alpine horn and practice for hours, especially the peanut who buys his cracker bangers and lets them off a week before Guy Fawkes night:steam:


14-11-2010, 15:27
Off topic again (sorry all), but the 72 has rather too much gain in the line stage for modern souces , but I really wouldn't have thought that changing to 821's would cause a devastating issue. There'll still be a control change between CD and cassette, but with the Nak set full up it should still be usable, along with the vinyl, which may need "five past" instead of "five to," if you see what I mean.

I nearly went for a 72 with TPX1, but coming here rather put paid to that. I've ended up with three old preamps now - a Croft like I used to own (lovely), an AVI as a reference (it's good for precision accurate monitoring, if not as "charming" for domestic listening comfort) and a race-tuned Quad 33 (courtesy of Dada Electronics' mods plus a Richard Bryce low filter removal suggestion which transformed it). I'm happy with my little stash right now and just love using the old stuff.

I think Les does a SOR system for his boards, although they do need some use to bed in I believe. Worth giving 'em a try in any case, as it'll make the 72 sound more truthful to the signals fed it. Removing the filter boards one day will take the design further - the relay board ought to stay where it is, as the bang on switch-on otherwise aint good for your speakers....

14-11-2010, 19:00
I've tried the 821's and didn't like them at all. However, I did like NJ's versions of the 321 and 729 boards (version of which I now use).

14-11-2010, 20:19
I know Mark, but I was remembering Rons system and room of old (very old - crikey! - and hoping to steer things along a sound he might like. Can the NJ boards be lent out for him to try whenever?