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View Full Version : Dont delete this lurker!

15-07-2008, 19:17
I guess if I HAVE to post I will. I like to lurk and get idea's from all you DIY analog guys!

Some nice rigs out there! When I finally finish my system I'll post photos and schematics... if I'm not deleted before then. :)


15-07-2008, 19:29
Hi Buzz,

Is that your real name? ;)

Welcome to the forum. Where are you from? :)

I'm glad you've popped up from behind the sofa. All we're asking our 'lurking' members to do is to contribute now and again - it is after all what a forum is about.

We've had an excellent response from our 'lurkers' so far as they obviously realise what we're trying to do.

Look forward to seeing your system pictures in due course - no rush.


15-07-2008, 19:32
Hello Buzz... I'm just hoping they don't introduce a 'post-quality' check as well!

How does it feel to be de-lurked :eyebrows:

Nice avatar by the way http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/musical/flutist.gif

15-07-2008, 19:54
Hey Buzz, with all that equipment you're just a lurker! Get in here man. :)