View Full Version : WANTED - Component Video Cable - BNC to RCA PHONO - Something cheap please

20-10-2010, 11:21
Mods - not sure if this is ok (AV - Not HIFI )

As per subject - does anybody have something to fit the bill - I am presently using a Toshiba SD9500 DVD player for cd transport duties - curious to check out its video capability.


Techno Commander
20-10-2010, 11:29
How about a BNC to phono adaptor (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BNC-Plug-Phono-Socket-Adaptor-4-Pack-Super-Value-/350107454979?pt=UK_ConEle_SatCableFreeview_RL&hash=item518407ce03). 99p on the bay. Then just use a standard phono lead.