View Full Version : technics and Jelco pproject

19-10-2010, 18:23
Hi, I'm currently getting all the bits together for a new turntable prject. I've bought a technics sl210, a jeclo 750, AT oc9 and I'm building a external psu.

Could ayone let me know which cable I need for the jeclo; the straight or 90 degree one?

I'm currently using a Fons turntable with an SME 3009 II improved and Shure V15. I have my favourite tracks that work realy well on this combo.

Can anyone recommend tracks that I should listen to once I've got the tecnics/jeclo AT project finished?



20-10-2010, 18:53
Hello ahall :)

Welcome to AoS. You shouldn't have any problems with such a project here; They're all Techie bonkers :mental:

20-10-2010, 19:22
Could ayone let me know which cable I need for the jeclo; the straight or 90 degree one?

I'm using the straight one on mine, Adrian.

20-10-2010, 19:54
Welcome, Adrian. No idea on your question, but someone(s) will, like John has.

What other kit do you use? (piccies, please in the Gallery! ;)) - and what are those "favourite tracks" (or artists) you elude to? Go on, give a little! :eyebrows:

I'm teasing (I'm running out of ideas for welcoming new members!) - good to have you aboard, enjoy!

20-10-2010, 22:03
I second the straight one. The 90 degree one would be a nightmare.

21-10-2010, 22:08
Hi Thanks for the responses; I'll order the straingt jelco cable.

Tracks that sound great on my existing combo are; Police - Spirits in the matreial world, Michael jackson - Don't Stop...., Joni Mitchell-Paprika Plains, John Coltrain - Lush Life (whole album), New Order - Technique (whole album), Lou Reed - Berlin (whole album).

I'm looking forward to hearing these on the new turntrable and finding new tracks that sound great. I'm a big Kate Bush fan, but she doesn't sound that good on the Fons/sme/v15; hopefully she will on the technics/jelco/oc9.

I'm using a Miniwatt valve amp with quarter wave horn speakers. Does anyone have experience of the Miniwatt?



21-10-2010, 22:11
Hi Adrian.

Welcome to AoS.

Could you do me a favour please and fill in your name and location in your profile? This is required procedure now for all members :)

Cheers! :cool:


21-10-2010, 22:16
Cheers, thanks Adrian - some good tracks there. :)